Gettin a bit peeved!



  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    eating 44 grams of protein, 17 g of fat, and mostly carbs. No you won't be building muscle in fact the little amount of food you're eating is going to eat your muscles actually. The severe lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet will slowly make you very sick also.
    If you're not suffering from dizziness, blurred vision, light headedness, or faintness you will probably be soon. I did a 1000 calorie diet several years ago and it was great for about a month and then it really hit me.
    You are literally starving to death and it will catch up with you. I'm not going to be a sweetie about it like some people.

    Wake up, use your brain, and eat more food. If not, no one is going to feel sorry for you when you end up in a hospital bed malnourished like an anorexic.

    You could easily eat 2000 calories and lose weight. Buy a cheap digital scale and use it. It doesn't have to be 100% perfect but that will give you an idea. As much as I love my carbs (and trust me I do I'm known to eat 200g+ a day) they don't keep you full for long. Eggs and "lean" protein like chicken and fish will keep you full for longer. Also fat isn't that scary. I spent a long time afraid of fat because my vegetarian brain washing told me it would kill me. Guess what, I feel better than ever. (no disrespect to vegetarians or vegans)

    If you want a friend and some guidance, I'm more than willing to help. If not I wish you luck but please for your health eat more food.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    afclong wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    So of the 21 days you've logged, 8 are under 400 calories. How does that work?
    previous posts have confirmed my diary logging needs to be improved as stated, My first post I said I'm averaging 1000 cals per day which is probably pretty true quote,

    How does that work? It doesn't! which is indeed the purpose of this whole post.

    The thing is that it's hard for us to help you when we're getting such mixed signals. You say you're eating 1000 a day but your diary shows less. You tell us your logging can't be off by more than 10% but then you admit it's off by more and that you're logging foods just to stop MFP from giving a warning. It's just hard to tell what's really going on and whether or not you're taking any of this advice on board.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    First of all, weighing at night is going to be higher than weighing in the morning. Weigh yourself every morning, right after you pee, in your undies or nekkid.

    Scales fluctuate. Get used to it! Sometimes it's because you took in extra sodium the day before. Sometimes, you've started using new muscles and they're holding water. Sometimes it's because you haven't pooped in a few days. Lots of reasons. Don't sweat scale fluctuations. It bobs around so much that if you start wigging out every time it goes up for no obvious reason, you'll go mad.

    Keep at it. Watch the trends. If you don't lose after a month, start making some changes.

    As you may have already figured out, people will have varied opinions. Here and on the Internet and all the fitness gurus of the world - whatever you do, some will say it's right and some will say it's wrong. It's wonderful to read different ideas, but don't take anything to heart. Find what works for you and stick with it. The only person's opinion that matters is your doctor's (and, I guess, YOURS, which is more important.)

    Hang in there. It will come off. :)
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    I'm 49, and started my journey on June 16th of this year at 237. Joined the gym, started walking and logging (weighing every ounce of food) diet. I typically ate 1800 cal iand would do 500 - 800 calories burned for a net of 1100-1200 (ish). I lost just over 10 lbs per month and am down to 175 (goal weight). I do go to the gym every day, sometimes twice. My diary is open, I ate regular food, just less of it. Not sure if that helps, but mt success was surprisingly awesome. My initial goal was to get to 200 by the end of November :) Use MFP Macros and stay reasonable below the intake. Log accurately... You can do it!! Good luck!
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    BramageOMG wrote: »
    I'm 49, and started my journey on June 16th of this year...

    Great job, and helpful information!!! :+1: Congrats on your loss!
  • dawsonjd
    dawsonjd Posts: 27
    edited October 2014
    1000 calories a day and everyday stress, and working out....could be adrenal fatigue. i've experienced this before, took 10 days off from lifting had a cheat meal and started again...first week lost 2 more lbs.

    more advice...dont weight at night, do it every morning after bathroom break and with minimal clothing.......this can still get messed up depending on how much you hydrated the day prior and how regular you are.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Here is my suggestion in addition to what (almost) everyone else has said. Buy a food scale and weigh every morsel of solid food that goes in your mouth and measure every liquid with cups and spoons. You are not lying about what you think you are eating and you are logging everything accurately for eye balling or using measuring cups and spoons. But they are not accurate for solids. Read the following:

    This is also a good read:

    You are getting very little protein in your diet right now as well so you are going to sacrifice a lot of lean body mass when you do find your magic calorie number, which takes a little guessing to start with.

    Go back and reset your goals to lose 1 lb a week, set your macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. Try that for six weeks. Accurately weigh/measure all of your food and track your exercise calories. Eat about 1/2 of your exercise calories back or go buy a waterproof heart rate monitor you can use in the pool. You may initially see a little weight gain while your body restores the glycogen losses and rebalances itself from eating so little. Add some weight training if you can to retain the muscles you have. Keep in mind the scale number will fluctuate so take measurements as that will better help you track your success.

    If you want the weight loss to be sustainable you need to make changes you can stick with, not lose weight over night.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    edited October 2014
    I don't even know where to start, you need to start from scratch. 1000 calories a day? That's 2 meals for me. I eat about 5-6 meals a day on average and am losing about 1.5 lb a wk. Who the hell told you to eat 1000 calories a day????

    Send me a pm and I'll try to help you get on track.
  • afclong
    afclong Posts: 20
    edited October 2014
    fat.jpg 515.3K
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    afclong wrote: »
    Starving, wasting away under nourished? Nah Just FAT with a beautiful daughter.

    OK, you aren't that fat. And your daughter is very pretty.

    Why do you care if people think you're lying? Let it go.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    If you have no interest in the advice, don't waste people's time asking for it. You can be overweight and malnourished. I was over 200 pounds and severely deficient in vitamin D. Eventually your body will rebel and you'll go on a food bender.
  • afclong
    afclong Posts: 20
    I've been down for a sandwich, cheers you lot, not sure that was the intended response
    Night all & thanks. x
  • dawsonjd
    look into adrenal fatigue
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    muscle, which weighs more than fat.

    A pound is a pound.

  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    afclong wrote: »
    Starving, wasting away under nourished? Nah Just FAT with a beautiful daughter.

    I suggest you look up starving. I didn't say you turned into a starving african child I told you that your body is starving from lack of calories. Yes you have a beautiful daughter and maybe if you get healthy you get to see that girl grow up for a long time. Eating 1000 calories a day isn't going to get you there mate.

    I agree with kalikel. You come on here, you ask us for help (or atleast I assumed that's what you wanted) then you get massively defensive when people tell you how it is, and act like we have no clue what the heck we're talking about.

    Maybe you need a hard dose of reality. I just hope for your beautiful daughter's sake you take our advice so you don't end up in that hospital bed I told you about. I've seen it happen to people, it damn near happened to me as I'm getting faint and eventually passed out once because my body couldn't handle 1000 calories a day, and on some days you aren't even getting that. I'm lucky I didn't hit my head super hard or I might not be here today.

    I wish you luck but seriously if you don't want help, stop wasting peoples time.
  • afclong
    afclong Posts: 20
    edited October 2014
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    afclong wrote: »
    afclong wrote: »
    Starving, wasting away under nourished? Nah Just FAT with a beautiful daughter.

    I suggest you look up starving. I didn't say you turned into a starving african child I told you that your body is starving from lack of calories. Yes you have a beautiful daughter and maybe if you get healthy you get to see that girl grow up for a long time. Eating 1000 calories a day isn't going to get you there mate.

    I agree with kalikel. You come on here, you ask us for help (or atleast I assumed that's what you wanted) then you get massively defensive when people tell you how it is, and act like we have no clue what the heck we're talking about.

    Maybe you need a hard dose of reality. I just hope for your beautiful daughter's sake you take our advice so you don't end up in that hospital bed I told you about. I've seen it happen to people, it damn near happened to me as I'm getting faint and eventually passed out once because my body couldn't handle 1000 calories a day, and on some days you aren't even getting that. I'm lucky I didn't hit my head super hard or I might not be here today.

    I wish you luck but seriously if you don't want help, stop wasting peoples time.

    My OP : - Not happy, seems I'm putting in a lot of time & effort into losing a bit of weight, 3rd week on here but i started my mission a week before so 28 days of total life change! I'm doing cardio at gym (first time in years) swimming eating an average 1000 cals a day, was delighted when last week i'd lost 5lb, but guess what ive gained some back! how? puzzled. I am wearing t-shirts that i couldnt before but the scales are laughing at me, was sceptical at the 'your not eating enough posts' ands have upped my intake to 1500 last three days, yep i reckon thats a failure coinciding with recent weigh-in.. my diets been mainly fruit no fizzys no beer no sweets/choc NO REWARDS!

    Never ever asked you for help, wind ya neck in eh

    You did put this under the weight loss HELP board, but you don't want help? Then what was the point in posting this... let alone in the General Diet and Weight Loss Help area?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member