Christmas around the corner! PANIC ATTACK! Help!

Hello there :p

With Christmas around the corner and visiting my mother in law in beautiful cape town, I'm worried that I'm going to gain all the weight back in that 2 weeks time. :'( I'm currently on a low carb high protein diet and gotta say its working for me. But what to do, what to do. How can I prevent to gain weight.? I know we're going to eat out a lot and yeah I don't want to be rude and not eat the food that my hubby's mom prepared for us.... :\ This sucks big time! Any tips would be appreciated.

Thank you


  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Tell her you're on a weight loss journey, and hope they understand and respect your decisions. That you don't mean to offend them, but you will most likely not be able to eat a lot of the foods they offer up. (See all the key words there, LOL) Give her a heads up, don't spring it on them last minute when the food is already in front of you. Tell her that if they see you making your own meals, it's because it's a very strict diet. Keep logging your food and don't let them break you.

    I have been on and off diets for the last 7 years that I was with my ex. EVERY single time I was on a diet my MIL would try to sabotage me. She kept insisting I eat MORE, and try everything, and have more dessert, and "you haven't eaten enough"!! I didn't wan't to be a bˆ%$# about it, but really how many times can you say NO, you just have to stand your ground. And then when I wasn't on a diet... she'd say things like "yes, focus on yourself and getting healthy". Uggghhh... I'm so glad I don't have to deal with them anymore.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You can eat at maintenance calories for two weeks if you need to. You won't undo any of the work you've already done, you just probably won't lose anything during that time. When your holiday is over, go back to your deficit and pick right up where you left off. No harm done, no need to panic. B)
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you crisb2, luckily I don't have a monster in law. She encourage us to get healthy she even gave me some slimming tea. I was just worried they'll think I'm rude if I don't eat something on my plate. Coming from a family that always forced us to eat all your food on your plate, this feels disrespectful. But knowing this information now I'll include her in our new lifestyle. Thank you sooooooo much for your help. It's truly appreciated. ;)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I can understand where your coming from. I would just be honest & say your trying to eat healthy. Just eat smaller portions, cut out the desserts, bread baskets etc. You can still have a lovely time. You don't need to eat everything they give you or order everything in site.

    Smaller portions, and lower carbs will be fine.

    If your drinking stick to things like vodka/gin and tonic or diet coke. Wine calories soon add up.

    Also drink lots of water - that will fill you up too so your be less hungry.

    Good luck!