
Hi, my name is philosophersnark. I lift things up and put them down. I know about the bodybuilding game, now I'm learning the fat loss game and this site is good to read at my mindnumbing job. My goal is 8 percent bodyfat cause i've never been that lean while holding significant muscle. I'm natural as I'm sure most on here are. It wouldn't make sense for people to be on steroids or fat loss compounds while this is such a kid friendly site...

My diet is simple. On days I lift (3/week), I eat at or above maintenance. On days I don't lift I eat 12 kcal/lb of bodyweight. I do cardio one day a week to burn 500 calories. I weigh myself each morning after relieving my bowels/bladder. So far it's worked well for me with 7.5 pounds lost in 5 weeks. As I understand it 1-2 lbs lost per week is ideal because it's effective and you don't feel like shiite (or lose too much lean body mass). Alright, that wraps up my intro. Let me know if you have any tips questions or suggestions.
