Breaking Up and Busting Out

I've seen tons of posts lately regarding breaking up and how it affects your journey to a healthier you. Just sharing my experience to maybe give some hope and motivation to others struggling with this right now....
I was previously in a terrible relationship. He was unhealthy and overweight and angry that I thought I could ever look great, be fit and be healthy. He broke me down for 3 years both emotionally and mentally. I finally began my healthy journey while we were still together. I ate great, worked out and lost close to 60lbs. I would go home to be yelled at about how I looked. Apparently I couldn't look great becuase I wanted it for ME, it HAD to be because I was seeing someone else (which I certainly was not, as he well knew, because he had to know where I was every minute of every day). I told him I wanted to run in a Tough Mudder and he told me "No" and "wouldn't allow it". For some reason this was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I left him and a month later ran that Tough Mudder and kicked *kitten*. I took care of myself for a while and had no interest in dating anyone but ME for a long time. Now thanks to that mentality I've found a great man who supports my efforts 100%.
I guess my point is DON'T SETTLE. No one can tell you you can't do it, especially someone you CHOOSE to spend your life with.
My heart goes out to those struggling with this right now, you'll get through it and you'll be GREAT. Just. Keep. Going.