Hair falling out...!



  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    i always loose my hair when i diet luckily i have lots of hair so it never concerned me
    Thanks so much for all of the input everyone. I'm going to try to get to my PCP next week. I usually don't eat my calories back after excercising because I don't trust the amount that it says that I have burned & don't want to over-consume. I don't see how anyone can burn over 450 calories in 40 mins on the eliptical.

    Since I have gotten closer to my goal I have started eating more than in the beginning; I've upped it to about 1400 per day for the past week or so. I'm 5'10" & 185. Shooting for around 170-ish.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    APLAWING wrote: »
    Thanks so much for all of the input everyone. I'm going to try to get to my PCP next week. I usually don't eat my calories back after excercising because I don't trust the amount that it says that I have burned & don't want to over-consume. I don't see how anyone can burn over 450 calories in 40 mins on the eliptical.

    Since I have gotten closer to my goal I have started eating more than in the beginning; I've upped it to about 1400 per day for the past week or so. I'm 5'10" & 185. Shooting for around 170-ish.

    Your BMR is in the 1650-1700 calorie range. IMHO, not eating at least that many gross calories is asking for trouble -- you're probably hurting in both the macro- and micronutrient department. Not eating back smallish burns like ~400 calories is your decision; that's unlikely to have health consequences one way or another.

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    hill8570 wrote: »
    That's an average of well over two pounds a week. Are you still losing at that rate, or have you been tapering off? My guess (and I don't even play a doctor on TV) is that as you get closer to goal, your body is running out of reserves to fuel such a rapid weight loss and is sacrificing non-essentials like hair, underused muscles, etc. I can't see your diary, so I don't know what your macros look like, but I suspect you're not getting enough protein, at the very least.

    As others have stated, there are lots of other reasons with hair loss, but I'd start with ruling out the elephant in the room and work from there.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    i always loose my hair when i diet luckily i have lots of hair so it never concerned me

    There's usually a reason people have to diet repeatedly. Been there, done that. Permanent weight loss has to do with changing one's lifestyle. Making (drastic) temporary changes won't help you transition to maintenance. It's not just dieting that takes work.....maintenance does too.
    hill8570 wrote: »
    That's an average of well over two pounds a week. Are you still losing at that rate, or have you been tapering off? My guess (and I don't even play a doctor on TV) is that as you get closer to goal, your body is running out of reserves to fuel such a rapid weight loss and is sacrificing non-essentials like hair, underused muscles, etc. I can't see your diary, so I don't know what your macros look like, but I suspect you're not getting enough protein, at the very least.

    As others have stated, there are lots of other reasons with hair loss, but I'd start with ruling out the elephant in the room and work from there.


    I forgot to answer this in my previous post. It has most definitly tapered down... I lost the majority of it in the first 3mos.

    I have been so happy with my progress that I was hoping that my hair loss didn't have anything to do with not eating enough/getting the right nutrients. I want to get to my goal but I don't want to be bald or unhealthy.

  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    edited October 2014
    APLAWING wrote: »
    My hair is falling out & thinning rapidly (not breaking off because I can tell by my scalp being visible) & I'm starting to get concerned.

    I've been on my diet for about 160 days (1200-1400 cals/day, excercising about 40 mins/day, 3 days/week). The good news is that I've lost about 55lbs & am close to my goal weight. I started at 240 & this morning was 185. But for the past month or two I've noticed a LOT of hair loss when I wash my hair, brush my hair, run my hands thru it, etc. It's long, at least halfway down my back. And I know that losing some every time you wash is normal... but this has been handfuls. I eat plenty of veggis & proteins. I feel like I get adequate nutrients from my food. The only thing that I can possibly think of is when I stopped taking biotin. I had been taking Biotin for my nails to be stronger (a B vitamin for hair & nails) and stopped taking it a few months ago because I couldn't tell that it was doing any good. Now my hair is falling out like crazy... I don't know what to do. Any ideas or advice?


    Short answer: you lost weight too fast. Too high of a deficit. 1-2lbs a week is healthy to insure that most if that weight is FAT. above that, a higher percentage is muscle unfortunately for you. 160 days=5 mos which should be around 40 not 55 lbs if you want to keep lean muscle. That's what I've lost and I'm at 160 days tommorriw. Up your cals. Your body is trying to tell you something.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    whiskey helps.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    There is so much information on the internet about hair loss for both men and women. Most of it is backed up by zero actual science, and is simply bad science or myth.

    There *could* be medical reasons for your hair loss, so it's important to visit a doctor to rule those out. There are also some common reasons for temporary hair loss, such as right after giving birth, but that usually grows back.

    But the reality is, sometimes hair's just gonna do what it does. The most common reason for hair loss is male or female pattern baldness, and what sucks is that it's basically genetic. So yeah, blame your parents.

    Minoxidil (Rogaine) is scientifically proven to slow hair loss and regrow some hair. There are women's formulations. That's something you could try if you're concerned.

    Other supplements, pills, vitamins, and magic beans are probably just a lot of hooey.

    (Disclaimer: Not a doctor. Just a woman with thin hair, in a family full of women with thin hair, who's done my homework.)
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    My opinion is you have been in to high of a deficit for to long and your body is responding to it. I would first get to your doctor (take copies of your diary including daily calories and your macros). I would request blood work (just to make sure nothing else is going on) and I would request referral to a nutritionist (to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients that you need).
  • marie3221
    marie3221 Posts: 77 Member
    The biotin (or lack thereof anyway) could be causing this. Go see doc though. When I was in my first trimester, I lost a TON of hair, even though I was taking my vitamins. Also stress, and too much diet soda (several cans a day) can cause this.....both of which I have experienced. But go see the doc to make sure it is nothing serious.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Can you open your food diary? Also, of you stopped biotin, why not start it again to see if that corrects things.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    malnourished or medical issue. Either way doctor visit would be smart.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    ....I forgot to add...not only should the op see the Dr, she should, from this point on reduce her deficit to stop this, and since its likely that she lost more muscle than is desirable with the rapid weight loss, her metabolism is probably compromised. She should consult a nutritionist as well as a fitness expert. This is exactly why people should lose weight slowly.
    I'll admit I didn't do my research when it comes to how many calories I should have been eating. I just put in the initial info on MFP when I signed up & it told me how many calories to eat for my ht/wt & activity level. It started me out at 1400/day & once I lost 10lbs or so it would knock my calories down to even less. Again, thanks for all of the advice everyone; it's much appreciated. I will be going to the doctor soon to get his opinion. In the meantime I am increasing my daily caloric intake. I have started taking Biotin again & added a daily multi-vitamin.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    APLAWING wrote: »
    I'll admit I didn't do my research when it comes to how many calories I should have been eating. I just put in the initial info on MFP when I signed up & it told me how many calories to eat for my ht/wt & activity level. It started me out at 1400/day & once I lost 10lbs or so it would knock my calories down to even less. Again, thanks for all of the advice everyone; it's much appreciated. I will be going to the doctor soon to get his opinion. In the meantime I am increasing my daily caloric intake. I have started taking Biotin again & added a daily multi-vitamin.

    Good decision. Also, try to increase fats.
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    I did the exact same thing as you. I was eating 1200 or less and lost the first 15lbs then it took me at least 7 mos to lose 5 more lbs. I was tired, hangry, my hair was falling out, nails were dry/brittle, the whole shebang. I was burning 1000-1500 cals at least 3 days/wk. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing, seeing any definition to my body. Then I found the group Eat More 2 Weigh Less on here and it answered all of my questions!!! It was like I was reading my own autobiography!!! IMHO, you are not eating enough! I totally screwed up my metabolism. I did a reset, gained 20+ back and am now slowly losing again. It took me almost a year to get my metabolism back to where it should be. I'm starting to lift heavy weights (well, heavy for me) and walking. Good luck to you! See your doctor and check out EM2WL group here...they are the best!!!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    APLAWING wrote: »
    I'll admit I didn't do my research when it comes to how many calories I should have been eating. I just put in the initial info on MFP when I signed up & it told me how many calories to eat for my ht/wt & activity level. It started me out at 1400/day & once I lost 10lbs or so it would knock my calories down to even less. Again, thanks for all of the advice everyone; it's much appreciated. I will be going to the doctor soon to get his opinion. In the meantime I am increasing my daily caloric intake. I have started taking Biotin again & added a daily multi-vitamin.

    Sounds good. Make sure you're meeting or exceeding the default MFP protein macro (which, IMHO, is kind of low to begin with). Fish, shrimp, lean beef (such as sirloin), lowfat yogurts (especially greek-style), and whey powders are all good ways to bump your protein without adding a crapload of calories).

    Oh, and congratulations on making it this far! Having the discipline to lose that amount of weight in that short of time is very impressive!

  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I've read a couple of times that with weight losses of 15lbs or more, you can lose some hair, but the problem should correct itself in 3-6 months or something like that.

    If it's taking longer or it seems like you're loosing too much hair, go to your doctor.
  • PaiPug
    PaiPug Posts: 42 Member
    APLAWING wrote: »
    My hair is falling out & thinning rapidly (not breaking off because I can tell by my scalp being visible) & I'm starting to get concerned.

    I've been on my diet for about 160 days (1200-1400 cals/day, excercising about 40 mins/day, 3 days/week). The good news is that I've lost about 55lbs & am close to my goal weight. I started at 240 & this morning was 185. But for the past month or two I've noticed a LOT of hair loss when I wash my hair, brush my hair, run my hands thru it, etc. It's long, at least halfway down my back. And I know that losing some every time you wash is normal... but this has been handfuls. I eat plenty of veggis & proteins. I feel like I get adequate nutrients from my food. The only thing that I can possibly think of is when I stopped taking biotin. I had been taking Biotin for my nails to be stronger (a B vitamin for hair & nails) and stopped taking it a few months ago because I couldn't tell that it was doing any good. Now my hair is falling out like crazy... I don't know what to do. Any ideas or advice?


    You don't need to rush to a doctor. You don't have a thyroid disorder, cancer, or whatever. You're not eating enough calories!!! That amount is hardly going to be enough to sustain any adult body, LET ALONE one working out so much. Also, since you are losing so much weight AND building muscle your protein intake should likely be 90 or more. My hair has been falling out the past few weeks and it's directly proportional to me not eating enough protein.