Newbie Help

Hello Everyone,

I am a newbie here. I am trying to get healthy and fit and shed a few pounds. I am a new mom and was back to my pre pregnancy weight within a few months after giving birth. I was also nursing full time. During this time, I was sleep deprived, constantly drained of energy, and wasn't eating super healthy -- whatever was quick and easy. After my baby weaned, I put on some weight. Since then, it's been a challenge to shed the weight.

I'm 34 years old, new mom, 5'2", and current weight is 135 lbs. I am trying to get down to 115-120 lbs. When I first signed up for FitnessPal, it had me on 1200 calories a day. So I stuck with that for about 2 months while doing some pilates while the baby napped. I didn't have much results. And I was hungry all the time on 1200 calories a day. So I went up to 1400-1500 calories day and started doing some circuits about 28-30 minutes 3 days a week. And I did this for about 5 weeks and didn't see much results. During this time, I had infection that I went on antibiotics for which later, I had a relapse.

I think I was working my body too hard while it was trying to fight the infection, plus I heard that high vitamin C intake affects the effectiveness of the antibiotics -- I think that contributed to my relapse. I recently finished my 2nd course of antibiotics for my relapse. During these 2 weeks, I took a break from working out, but did eat healthy for the most part. I also should mention while I was on antibiotics both times, I did not sleep well at all....hardly could sleep, if it matters at all.

This is my first week back to working out and I went back down to 1300 calories. I am in a need a bit of help because I'm a novice and really do not know if I am eating too much or too little calories. I know everyone's bodies respond differently to exercise and results vary from person to person. I saw some people had great progress by 5 weeks. I went on for 5 weeks and did not progress at all so I must be not doing something right. The only progress I noticed is that I did physically get stronger as I am breathing better through the exercises, and there was a time improvement on completing the circuits. But physically looking at photos and weighing in, not so much progress.

Please help!


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    You are correct! Sounds like a classic case of overtraining. I would suggest a calorie level of 1600 calories with fat shredder macros. I would love to help you get started if youd like.
  • peonies80
    I had no idea of "over training". I just read up about it! Thanks for your reply!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Your diary is closed - so generic advice...

    How do you determine your calories in? That is, when logging (such as the 5 weeks you mentioned) do you log every meal/every day? Use a food scale to get accurate weight? Account for all beverages, condiments, cooking oils, etc.? How do you determine your exercise calories? Are you set up for sedentary, lightly active, etc.? What is your day to day routine (not counting exercise) like?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your food?