Need A Fitness Buddy

I am really looking for someone to hold me accountable. I desperately want to be successful but the truth of the matter is, is I find every excuse in the book to take a break here, and take a break there, which ends up leading to just falling off the wagon.

Here is a little bit about me. They scales topped out for me at 225lbs. I lost 40lbs a couple years ago, then I got pregnant and stopped working out. I am now at 200lbs. My goal weight is 145lbs. I want to get there and see how I look and feel, and reassess my goals at that point.

I am looking for someone that is going to push me everyday. Someone who isnt afraid to be frank. Someone who won't let my excuses be okay. I really just need someone that is going to motivate me everyday and push me everyday.

BTW I am a female, 24 years old

I could care less if you are male or female who is helping me.

Thanks in Advance



  • I will work with you. I yo yo back and forth and just got married. I put on 20 lbs since I have known my hubby and ready to be as proud of my self as he is of me. I am 27 and need someone to push me too!
  • carissaym
    carissaym Posts: 7 Member
    I am 188 looking to get down to 135! Message me, i need a accountability buddy! :)
  • kaykay2105
    kaykay2105 Posts: 4 Member
    I need a buddy too! I have about 30 lbs left and I feel like I'm going backward now and need some motivation!
  • chelbivandine
    chelbivandine Posts: 33 Member
    Ok ladies I would love to work with all of you the more the merrier! If!you all could message me that would be great!!!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    We have the same goal weight! Only you weigh much less then me! I am good buddy and I can be frank when needed but mostly sweet♡. Add me if you like!
  • covens04
    covens04 Posts: 76 Member
    Feel free to add me for support. I have lost 30 pounds so far this year, and I have 30 more pounds to lose. We can continue the journey together. One of the biggest things for me was finding my why. Over the years, I worked out, lost weight, and gained it back. Until this year, I never really knew what drove me to change. Find your why and that will help you get on track. I also found a fantastic facebook community that has helped push me in the right direction. If this is something that would interest you, we could chat more about it. Either way, people are here for you!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”
    ― John Wooden
  • chelbivandine
    chelbivandine Posts: 33 Member
    Yoovie I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that quote. Would you care to explain?
  • chelbivandine
    chelbivandine Posts: 33 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”
    ― John Wooden