loosing weight withou exercise

Hey everybody. I just had bunion surgery 2 days ago. I used to go to the gym 5-7 days a week and do cardio, weights, boot camp, yoga. I worked out hard and when inwent i was pushing it at the gym between 1-2 hrs. Now im home and doing nothing. But of course what else would i be doing after surgery? I have 20 pds to loose and although i know im not going to loose it during the 3 months im not supposed to be on my foot i thought through clean eating i could loose some. I also know that im probally going to be loosing muscle
too since im not lifting weight. I was just curious if there is anybody else loosing weight successfully without doing any exercising. I figured since im not burning off calories i would cut the calories out that i would of burnt off. Im planning on eating between 1350 & 1450 a day. Any suggestions? Meal plans? Tips? Anybody go through bunion surgery and can tell me of their experience? Very much appreceiated!! Thanks! bodygood1972 (cindy)


  • krysym1
    krysym1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. How did everything end up w your bunion surgery and weight loss?? I have bunions and am afraid to have surgery bc of the pain and length of healing.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    It's still just a case of calories in vs calories out.

    Eat the number of calories MFP tells you to and you'll lose.
  • goldenstone01
    goldenstone01 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes!!!!! I have lost over 20 lbs on just eating clean. This was before I really started using MFP the right way. It takes a while before you see any changes but then the weight will just start melting off. Hope you feel better soon.