Ready to make a change

I just started using this program a few weeks ago, a couple of weeks after joining a kickboxing program. I've wanted to get healthier in the past, like when I was somewhat over weight. The again around 10 pounds overweight. Then around 15. At 25 pounds overweight, I decided if I didn't start making change now, I 'd be doing this at 50 pounds overweight or even more.

In the past, I felt sorry for myself for needing to lose weight and not getting to eat brownies and ice cream. Also, if I passed up those goodies, I would reward myself with those goodies. (Go figure out how THAT one will work :)) Also I never exercised. I used to say that the only way someone would catch me running is if I was being chased by a weapon. And not just any weapon - a really dangerous one.

I also would lie to myself about pictures. Oh that outfit just made me look heavy. I can't explain how a pair of pants could make me have a double chin, but it seemed to make sense at the time.

I'm ready for change now. I want to live a long healthy life. I want to be independent when I am a little old lady. If I don't make a change now, it may never happen. And I won't get to live and enjoy my life as fully, if I don't take care of my health now.

I accept that I have not taken care of my health before. I can't go back in time and undo it. Feeling bad about it won't help me and will send me straight for the cookies.

I'm not going to lie that I'm not really overweight when I am. I'm going to lie about my eating. Whatever I eat, healthy or not, and in the portion I had will be logged. Also, I am going to accept that the way I am now is a cumulative result of my choices from the past. I can change the way I do things and trust that my body and health will catch up.

So there you have it. Now I just have to print this up and keep it handy when I hear those brownies calling my name.