Looking for some encouraging pals !

Hello everyone! I'm a university student and I'm starting a lifestyle change today. I've tried losing weight before (with some pretty crazy methods and no results) so am hoping that now I'm in it for the long haul there will be some definite progress. I've got 32kg (Around 70lbs) to lose so would love to find friends on here that will motivate and encourage. Of course I will do the same :) I have a pretty busy schedule both in and out of class so was wondering what you guys do for quick workouts you can fit in around your day?


    STWRIGHT27 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the feeling of trying to balance school and eating right. I got my masters in May and wish I hadn't let myself go while getting ready for the boards. The pounds creep up quick, good for you for taking action now rather than waiting until you're done school.
  • Ashleigh_LP
    Ashleigh_LP Posts: 57 Member
    Feel free to add me. I finished university a year ago but I did lose my first 32lbs whilst I was there!
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Feel free to add me! I like Stronglifts at lunch, it takes about 45 minutes.

    Set alarms for your workout, and no matter what, do it!

    A good HIIT 10 min workout and some interval on a treadmill/bike/elliptical (3 min warmup, 1 min @ 80%, 1 1/2 @ 40-60%, 4-6 sets of that, 3 min cool down for a 16 - 20 minute cardio!
  • kelseyjayep
    kelseyjayep Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me (anyone else, too) ! I'm just finishing up my undergrad (finally!) and I know how difficult it is to balance time needed for education and time needed for yourself :smile:
    I'm looking for some accountability friends to keep me from falling out of focus.