Arthritis help



  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »

    I know you said you can't take NSAIDs, but could you use a topical one? I also have arthritis in my thumbs - my doctor prescribed Voltaren Gel - it doesn't work for everyone - it works best on joints where there is not a lot of muscle and or fat between the skin and the joint. I've found that it usually takes the edge off of the pain.

    I am bumping this thread because my doctor prescribed Voltaren for me. She said it doesn't go through the stomach (the reason I can't take NSAIDs) and my pain is localized so it is OK. I picked some up the other day and needed to try it yesterday. It really helped!

    @Earlnabby - I'm so happy it's helping you!

    @GaleHawkings - we are talking about Voltaren as a topical gel, not taken orally, and thus with fewer potential side effects.

    @ Flowerbaby2: It is prescription only (in the US anyway - don't know about elsewhere).

    It it the stomach/intestinal bleeding risks that would rule out Voltaren in my case.

    Yes, that is a potential side effect. I was diagnosed with gastritis and stomach bleeding, which caused my severe anemia a year ago. The doctor said that after a year of healing my risk is low enough for the Voltaren, but I should still avoid oral NSAIDS just in case. My kidney function is good now but they really did not like the metformin she originally prescribed back in January so we switched to glipizide (and now I am off all diabetes meds). Potential kidney issues are the other reason why I shouldn't take NSAIDs but there is minimal risk with the Voltaren. This is also something I would use occasionally if my foot flares up, not as a long term solution which would make a difference too.

  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    I have bone on bone arthritis in my knee and on cold stormy days like today it kills me.I also work full time as a nurse and it's hard physically to do itI have never heard of this voltarin,what is it and is it over the counter.I use Salinpas Capsiacin patches on my knee on work days.It confuses the nerve endings so the pain does not register near as strongly.It is hard working outI am mostly limited to stretching right now .Any suggestions for knee pain

    not sure where you are, but here in Canada you can buy it off the shelf in places like Walmart and the Superstore.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    I chew on NSAIDs like candy for all kinds of pain, including OA (toes, knees, hips), but I'm trying to cut back. There's some suggestion certain supplements can help, so I'm giving it a shot. Bromelain may work as well as diclofenac for pain from knee OA in some people (no idea about foot stuff, but eh, why not try). I take it in a formulation with curcumin (which also may help with pain and inflammation). (I'm also trying out glucosamine sulphate with MSM - I know studies have been equivocal but why not give it a chance. And am hoping fish oil might do a bit too. And, Vitamin D, which is really important for bone/connective tissue health. I recently discovered I was severely deficient, who knows for how long.

    Custom orthotics made a huge difference for me (for the toes and also chronic peroneal tendonitis, and heel spurs). I resisted the idea for a long time, but I'm pretty sure they're what allow me to walk, because I feel it when I try to go without them. Within a week, I went from not being able to walk for more than 15-20 minutes to being able to tolerate 60 (going slow). Now I can walk for hours. Because my toes were involved, my podiatrist suggested shoes with more rigid soles. All my shoes are ugly, but whatever.

    I take MSM (but not the glucosamine/chondroitin) and vitamin D. My ortho said that orthotics won't help my foot, although arch supports might make me a little more comfortable in general). I just have to make sure I get supportive, well fitting athletic shoes and avoid high impact exercises. I get aches regularly but live with them. The only times I have had bad flare ups has been when I was standing for a long period of time.

  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    I do take krill oil,vit d ,gelatin capsules,and Bio-Flex and L-arginine which is a natural anti-infalamatory.I also use Capsiacin patch on my knee on my work days.I am trying different things to see what works best
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    How about swimming, would that work for you? It is supposed to be gentler on the joints. You could try a running belt for pool running if you don't enjoy swimming.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Fish oil and coconut oil both take a bite out of the pain. Cutting the carbs (<50 gram daily) helps the most but I can tell the pain goes up some without both oils.

    Vitamin D3 I am learning low in most people. Having it in the norm range (45??) seems to encourage more weight loss and cut risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke.
  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    Why do you use Coconut oil?Its amazing how different the meds are in the US vs Canada.I tried Naprocin and Mobic and niether worked at all.Inuprofin help,it does not take it away but it makes it about 50% better so I can work.Thats why I'm open to suggestions
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited December 2014
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    How about swimming, would that work for you? It is supposed to be gentler on the joints. You could try a running belt for pool running if you don't enjoy swimming.

    Since I started this thread, I have started swimming laps. I do an hour of laps, then go to the warm pool for an hour of water aerobics (which I had been doing long before the foot problem). I do this 3 x a week and really love it. My weight loss has actually increased since I started swimming instead of walking :) I still walk, but not as far as I used to.

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    How about swimming, would that work for you? It is supposed to be gentler on the joints. You could try a running belt for pool running if you don't enjoy swimming.

    Since I started this thread, I have started swimming laps. I do an hour of laps, then go to the warm pool for an hour of water aerobics (which I had been doing long before the foot problem). I do this 3 x a week and really love it. My weight loss has actually increased since I started swimming instead of walking :) I still walk, but not as far as I used to.

    Good for you! Glad it has been a successful experience so far.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited December 2014
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    How about swimming, would that work for you? It is supposed to be gentler on the joints. You could try a running belt for pool running if you don't enjoy swimming.

    Since I started this thread, I have started swimming laps. I do an hour of laps, then go to the warm pool for an hour of water aerobics (which I had been doing long before the foot problem). I do this 3 x a week and really love it. My weight loss has actually increased since I started swimming instead of walking :) I still walk, but not as far as I used to.

    Good for you! Glad it has been a successful experience so far.

    Yeah, I am slow and my technique sucks but I still get a little over 1/2 mile in during that hour. My goal is to stay with the hour and work on technique and speed so I can do more laps in the same period of time.

    I was reminded of the hazards of walking outside last weekend. I went for a walk in my neighborhood and was motoring along at a good speed when I stepped on a thin patch of mud. My right leg went out in front of me and my left leg kind of crumpled as I went down. A wrenched knee and sprained ankle were the result :'( I spent most of this past week with my foot elevated and either wrapped or in the boot my ortho gave me when I had things to do. Now both feet hurt. Boo. I was able to swim again on Friday and took the class although I had to modify some of the movements. I think I will stick to walking laps in my underground parking until spring, except when I can get out snowshoeing.
  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    That's the thing for me.I would like to walk but with my knee being bone on bone it's not worth the pain
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Walking was very painful at first but in my case cutting out all added sugar helped with the pain then I was able to walk. As I dropped from 250 to 215 in 2014 more of the knee and hip pain has gone away when walking.

    I should try swimming again but the locker room scares me because of the wet floors and my limited range of motion if I were to slip.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I haven't read all the posts but I have had a mix of RA and lupus for 10 years now... I go through my ups and downs but I run about 5km a day now, do heavy weight lifting etc. I do know that when i start flaring I will have to stop and then when it calms down I will start again. I appreciate its not the same as isolated arthritis, but it is possible to exercise fully with this kind of injury/condition. You need to build it up ridiculously slowly, almost embarrassingly slowly.... You need to know that u may have to have a few rest days and you need to know that it will hurt after, but I can definitely say that my joints rarely seize up, I am healthier and slimmer as a result of all this...
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I do take krill oil,vit d ,gelatin capsules,and Bio-Flex and L-arginine which is a natural anti-infalamatory.I also use Capsiacin patch on my knee on my work days.I am trying different things to see what works best

    I was going to ask if anyone had tried well does it work for you?
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    I have osteoarthritis throughout my body, most recently in my neck and my knees (I am only 45), and found that and elliptical trainer and stationery bike with great music is great for me. I don't have to worry about impact as they are low impact, and i am getting stronger and lighter so the joints are strong which is a bonus. I have to take Panadeine Forte (paracetemol and codeine) about half an hour before exercising or it is too painful.
  • littlehome1
    littlehome1 Posts: 9 Member
    I have rheumatoid arthritis and i have 2 screws in my foot ,i find new balance. Or nike cross trainers work great for me i work out 5x week. In th see beginning i took it slow range of motion is important. Low impact and weight training are all helpful. My dr also td me about grape seed and borige oil ,they are all natural anti-inflammatory in pill form you can find them in health food stores,they helped me and weight management is key . good luck hope this was helpful
  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    Walking was very painful at first but in my case cutting out all added sugar helped with the pain then I was able to walk. As I dropped from 250 to 215 in 2014 more of the knee and hip pain has gone away when walking.

    I should try swimming again but the locker room scares me because of the wet floors and my limited range of motion if I were to slip.

  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    One woman wrote that coconut oil and fish oil really helped her.I already take Lrill oil so today when I was at SAMs club I found coconut oil gel caps and added that to my regime .I am also struggling with pain in my thigh muscles.I am doing bridges,leg lifts,standing from a sitting position.I just feel like I need to do more to strengthen these muscles.I also have some of those exercise bands,anybody have any suggestions
  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    I have been doing more walking and my right foot started hurting. I suspected extensor tendonitis and rested it. I started walking again and it hurt just as bad so I went to an ortho who is also a sports medicine specialist. After x-rays and an MRI I was diagnosed with degenerative osteoarthritis in the foot. His suggestions are to do minimal impact exercise, always wear good fitting cushioned shoes, and keep losing weight. I can change my main cardio from walking to working out on a recumbant crosstrainer and eventually I want to get into lap swimming. I also do a water aerobics 3 X a week.

    My question is this: has anyone had experience with arthritis in the foot? Did you do anything that helped it? Any particular footwear that helped? I really want to get back to hiking but I also know that I can't build up to hiking distances by daily walking, I have to improve my leg strength and cardio fitness other ways. I also hope there is something I can do to prevent two days of pain after I do go on a hike. I have a fairly high pain threshold and am resigned to living with my aches and pains (I also have arthritis in the left knee) so I will do the things I want, even if it hurts. I just want to lessen it as much as possible.

    BTW: my PCP has told me I cannot take NSAIDs so that class of anti inflammatories are out. I am going to revisit that with her next time I go.


  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    Try L-arginine it's a natural anti inflammatory but does not hurt your stomache.I hear this wholistic. Dr talking about it on Dr oz.Look it up.He took it and that says a lot.He said it helped cut down all inflammation in the body,even in your blood vessels.He said inflation was at the background of most of what ales us.