Let's be friends, shall we?

Hii, I'm Olivia. I'm 18, but my profile says I'm 21. I'm not new here; in fact I've had this account for around 3-ish years, but I just deleted almost every post/status I've made before today, and I deleted most of the people on my friends list as well as only one was still regularly active. I made this account when I was still in grade 10 of high school I believe (maybe grade 11), and now I'm a real "adult". I've gained weight since being away at and graduating college and I'm so not okay with it, and since I'm an "adult" (almost 19!) I think it's about time I start working to get my life together.

I'm very wishy-washy and often lazy, so I'd appreciate some friends who will actually give me a hard time about food logging and activity logging and sticking to this "diet".

I'm also a certified nutritionist (it's what I went to college (not uni) for), soooo there's that!

Also I love Criminal Minds, Doctor Who, Nashville, 19 Kids and Counting, The Fosters, One Direction, Bob's Burgers.... amongst other things that I can't think of right now. I'm also an aspiring makeup artist :)

Let's be frieeeeeeeeeends :)


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Olivia! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • badholland
    badholland Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Olivia, add me if you like - I'll try not to bombard you with make-up tip questions :)