p90x support!

Hello - on my first week of P90x and I'm loving it - I was getting bored with insanity because it seemed to be getting boring for me. Plus I've never really loved full blown cardio because of tight calf muscles and bad knees though I pushed through. My starting weight was 204 (highest I've recorded, prolly 215) on a 5'1" frame, yeah that's not good. I was never really the "fat kid" in school, I was always active, always in a sport, and had what I thought, a lot of muscles for being a girl. Which I'm still proud of.

But now I'm 28... and still in my heavier days. I've lost and gained here and there, but I'm sitting around the 192/194 mark. I know my body is adjusting, but it's nice to have others that are doing the program too. Feel free to add me. Also, I get 'reward points' for a website that I've actually won 50 bucks on for completing a goal, it's https://www.achievemint.com/ so if you are wanting to see my diary, you must type in "achievemint" on Myfitnesspal profile. :)

I'm not necessarily following the p90x meal plan, I have just been eating clean and trying to watch my carbs, fat, and protein intakes. I'm sitting around 1500-2000 calories and burning anywhere from 370-415 calories per p90x workout. So just still looking for support, tips, and motivation to keep going. I know that I cannot rely on the scale, just in this first week, my mood is INSANELY optimistic. I haven't been this happy in a LONG time. :) So feel free to add me! Looking forward to meeting you all!!!

-Stacy, Wisconsin.