New to community

I've been using MFP for some years now but I've never been on here. I'm embarking on a challenging journey to lose 87lbs in total. So far I've lost 21lbs in 5 weeks on the Cambridge diet. I've gotten bored so I'm adding on exercise and 2 days ago I started doing Slim in 6 by Debbie Sieber. I recently purchased INSANITY but I plan on starting that in January. Slim in 6 is my warm up to INSANITY. I plan on doing CD till 23rd December and then continue with healthy eating.
If there's anyone out there on a similar journey (or not) feel free to post on here. I would love to hear everyone's journey xx



  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome to the community! And that's a great start already! Congratulations! Keep up the great work! And best of luck in "prepping" for Insanity. I've done a few rounds of that program myself. I know how intense that one gets. But loved it! I acutally started on my fitness journey through Insanity, too. So definitely would like to help you with that if needed. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • holapearl
    holapearl Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks! I'm both excited and terrified of starting INSANITY. I received my package today and even that was scary. I really want to improve my fitness level, lose weight, tone up and look and feel good. What was your goal the first time you did Insanity?
    Ps I've sent you a friend's request
  • energy4ministry
    energy4ministry Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, this is my first bit in being really serious about losing weight. I have been a yoyo for many a day. Looking forward to the new me. I am in it to win it!!!
    Lots of love
  • holapearl
    holapearl Posts: 114 Member
    Hello, this is my first bit in being really serious about losing weight. I have been a yoyo for many a day. Looking forward to the new me. I am in it to win it!!!
    Lots of love

    Hi! Yay go us newbies! What are your specific goals? Are you doing any programs to lose weight?

  • Hi there,

    just started insanity (with the nutrition guide as well) on monday. I want to lose 45 lbs over the couple of months to come.
    Going day by day.
    Good thing you added exercise, prep yourself for insanity and give everything! You'll be doing fine!
  • HaleyBrom
    HaleyBrom Posts: 21 Member

    I started insanity on Wednesday, I am already feeling better for it! When I work out I find I eat so much better :)

    I have come back to fit pals, not really for the food blog, but for insanity support :)

    The more support and friends, I think the easier it will be (it's very hard, I have felt like dying everyday, but I WILL keep going) lol
  • holapearl
    holapearl Posts: 114 Member
    Wow you guys, keep going. I really can't wait to start insanity but I am so out of shape. Slim in 6 is kicking my butt! I can see little results. Just completed day 4. Feel free to add me for support :)