My Weight Loss Journey

holapearl Posts: 114 Member
Hello people!

I've set myself a challenge! Lose 90lbs in 6 months!!! That's about 15lbs/month. It's a tall order I know but I'm sick of being fat!

I was always the chubby one. I was the Chubby kid in school, the chubby friend that always got overlooked. Do you know how embarrassing it is when you go out with a friend and a guy comes up to chat up your friends and completely and rudely ignores your presence and turns their back towards you?! That happens every time. The only time I get hit on is when I'm at a gay club, I seem to be a hit with lesbians! Oh well.

September 2013 I had to move away from my family to a new city where I knew no one because of work. I'm not the most outgoing person, I'm a bit shy and reserved as a result I've found myself friendless and alone. This with stress at work has led to depression and comfort eating which is no surprise that in September at age 26 and single I found myself at my heaviest ever @ 237lbs ie 16st and 13lb and size 20/22

I cried. And in the middle of my tears I went on to Cambridge Weight Plan website, found my nearest consultant and sent a very emotional email pleading for her help. This was the beginning of my Journey.
I have now completed 5 weeks and have lost a total of 21lbs.

I've worked out my weightloss journey for the whole 6 months. I started my journey Sept 24th 2014 and by God's grace I will finish it March 24th 2015.

I plan on doing Cambridge diet up until the 24th December. I started Slim in 6 28th October, I plan on adding on Hip Hop Abs from the 4th of November and doing those for 8 weeks. I have 2 weeks off planned over Christmas and then back in January with INSANITY for 60 days!

Wish me luck!
