ChaLEAN Extreme HELP!!!!!!! =(

ipanda80 Posts: 4 Member
Okay everyone. Hi! =) So I just finished week one of PUSH phase and... I love this program! HOWEVER! I'm really feeling frustrated! Here's why. I'm HOPING someone else has been through this and can help me.

Before starting ChaLEAN I had lost about 12lbs with diet and running and gotten into a size 3 for the first time in my life. Comfortable. I'm 5'4" (don't know my weight but in the low 120s.) body fat about 13%. Now... I'm starting to find that, even though I'm working my BUTT off with clx, running, Turbofire Greatest HIITs, good diet (mostly) etc, my pants are getting tighter... my clothes are getting tighter. my body fat % is going down.. I can tell that i'm of course getting much stronger, but it seems I'm getting BIGGER. Not leaner.

Now I've ran this by a few people and no one really has ever said oh yeah that happened to me too. =( Which, as you can imagine, SUCKS. haha! ANYONE have this??

I know I'm not over training
Yes I'm eating enough calories for sure (my calories increased when I started this)

I just don't know!

Any ideas?? Maybe I'm just building the muscle and the fat hasn't melted away yet?? idk.
HELP! I want this to work!


  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I did a lot of research on Chalean Extreme because I plan to start it when I'm done with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Many people reported the exact same thing you were experiencing. That caused some to quit, but others stuck it out and many of those went back down in size toward the end. Poke around on Amazon and other review sites and you'll see you're not alone. It made me hesitate with doing the program, but I think I'm still going to give it a try.
  • ipanda80
    ipanda80 Posts: 4 Member
    That's good to hear. . I know I've heard of people gaining weight from it but still getting smaller. But me I'm just getting bigger it seems. Though, I know I'm leaner in that I have less body fat. Its agood program. I just hope I see the slimming down because it's really frustrating especially cuz it took me so long to get down to a size 3. I would be super bummed to lose that. But then again, maybe when I personally am strong I'm not a size 3 I don't know. I guess I'll just keep it up and see what happens
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm 2 weeks into Chalean Extreme (with Turbofire 3x a week) and my pants are tight as hell. But my butt and thighs look tighter? My upper body is still the same size. Back fat is smoother. So I'm not really concerned.

    PLEASE say you'll stick it out with me. I've heard most people lean out during the Lean Phase. I hope so... lol.
  • jrr07080
    jrr07080 Posts: 18
    Keep going ladies! Change is slow....Just trust the process. I am a Beachbody coach and can help if you would like... send me a private message. My name is Julie :)
  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member
    Well, how many calories are you eating? If your diary is to be believed, 1200 calories or less is not going to be enough. From experience, TF and CLX both burn a lot of calories.

    And I'm not sure how much "leaner" you are expecting to get, honestly. I doubt you are acutally 13% BF, but if you're even close to that, I'm not really sure where you are wanting to go next and what your goals really are.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    Funny...I've noticed the same thing. I'm on week 4 of the Burn Phase...I lost 5lbs the first week then NOTHING...I have noticed that I've thickened a bit but my butt has gotten less..."bouncy"...I do think it is working but not that I can really "see" yet. I'm hanging in there and have committed to the full 3 months. I keep my schedule and complete all of the workouts as recommended. I usually make my rest days an active rest day so I may walk or ride my bike. I hope everyone will keep it up cuz I sure plan to. I signed up for Dietbet and I doubt I will make it because of the scale... I wore a size small top that I have not really been able to get back into over the winter and now I can wear it comfortably. I have a cute white dress from WHBM that I will be wearing for the first time since the dressing room (4 weeks ago) tomorrow so that will be my "test". Interesting that others have had the same experience.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    If you're at 13% body fat you really don't have fat to lose without making yourself very sick.