Starting to be concerned over my daily fluctuations :/



  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Hi Cinarocket -
    I would add that it looks like you are almost to your goal weight. First, congrats on the weight lost. Great job! Second, I think it can often be harder to lose the last bit of weight as you near your goal weight. Be patient. If you stick to it, you'll get there.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Happens all the time to me.

    If you're not reassured by the responses, maybe either weigh yourself weekly, or even monthly, or weigh daily plug it into a spreadsheet and only look at the longer-term trend. That's what I do, and works for me. I can still see the fluctuations (so I know it's normal and predictable), but they don't freak me out.
  • Cinarocket
    Cinarocket Posts: 49 Member
    OP, have you taken pics as progress? What is your deficit, goal? Im a little confused of what you actually want to do with your body....i.e. maintenance, weightloss, inches

    Not much of a pics guy but i'm still trying to lose a few kilos.

    ndj1979 wrote: »
    stop weighing every day and just weight yourself once a week at the same time…

    also, if you know better to be worried over daily fluctuations, why post this?

    As I said in my OP, this abnormal fluctuation is coming RIGHT after some of my best days exercise wise (i'd estimate having burnt around 5000 kcal in 4 days). I already knew that weight could fluctuate easily over a day or 2 but going up for 3 days after my best days in terms of exercise (and eating) is just... weird.

  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 273 Member
    You fluctuate 1.5 kilos in a week. That's normal. The mirror and the fit of your clothes are more accurate gauges of the direction your body fat is taking. Weigh yourself in the morning after using the bathroom for consistent numbers. Don't stress over normal.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Cinarocket wrote: »
    OP, have you taken pics as progress? What is your deficit, goal? Im a little confused of what you actually want to do with your body....i.e. maintenance, weightloss, inches

    Not much of a pics guy but i'm still trying to lose a few kilos.

    ndj1979 wrote: »
    stop weighing every day and just weight yourself once a week at the same time…

    also, if you know better to be worried over daily fluctuations, why post this?

    As I said in my OP, this abnormal fluctuation is coming RIGHT after some of my best days exercise wise (i'd estimate having burnt around 5000 kcal in 4 days). I already knew that weight could fluctuate easily over a day or 2 but going up for 3 days after my best days in terms of exercise (and eating) is just... weird.

    actually it's the opposite of weird,that's what we're trying to tell you. After 4 days of intense exercise if you were NOT showing heavier on the scale, it would be weird. This is 100% normal.
  • Cinarocket
    Cinarocket Posts: 49 Member
    Good to know thanks!
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    weight fluctuation is totally normal and often with increased exercise you're going to retain water. Relax

    yep. mine can go up a couple of pounds after several days of intense exercise