Hi everybody :-)

Hi everybody,

I am 30 years old and have just joined today aiming to lose 14-21 pounds in total.

The weight has crept on in the last few months and want to get back into shape. I have been using a rowing machine at least 5 times a week and take a daily walk for 20-30 minutes for the past couple of months, as well as cutting down my food intake, but have yet to lose any pounds. I hope keeping track on here will help me to see where I am going wrong and reach my goals.

Friends and advice welcome :-)


  • Hi,

    I'm 49 and gained 30lbs in a year in a new job where I set on my butt almost all day working on circuit boards. I also started being more active at home without losing any weight. My wife kept telling me that I should write down what I eat but writing everything down is not something that I liked to do so one day last month I was on the internet when I found this program, started using it, feel in love with it, and have lost seven pounds so far.
    So keeping track of what you eat and the amount of exercising that you are doing helps.

    Keep up the good work and you will start seeing things happen.
  • amylynn82784
    amylynn82784 Posts: 26 Member
    I am also 30 and am looking to lose 28 more lbs. Feel free to add!
  • Charm110
    Charm110 Posts: 73 Member
    The same thing happened to me, Herbballi. I was in an active job previously and maintained my ideal weight. Since leaving the weight has crept up. I am more active now, including using the rower, but yet to see any results regarding my weight- I am more toned and my legs are slimmer, but still have a belly I wish to loose lol!

    I hope that this site will help me.