In need of low carb help.....



  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    OP, check for some spectacular recipes.

    Leafy greens are your friend, so is (generally speaking) most squash. Avocado.

    There are options, but it does help to look at a "what's allowed" list, as opposed to "what's NOT allowed."
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    RoseyDgirl wrote: »
    baconslave, I love your new profile picture. That steak is perfectly cooked. It looks so much better than my Roasted veggie soup had been... I'm suddenly craving steak (again)...

    Doesn't it look heavenly? :heart_eyes: :
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    I'm ok with seeing a holistic doctor. So much of our medical system is based on treating symptoms that many times they do more harm than good. Do you know what they call the medical student that finished at the bottom of his class? They call him "doctor".

    How is the diet set up? Is there a target balance between the fat and protein?
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I have been to a gas to Dr....I had a hole open in my diaphragm 4 yrs ago and my stomach flipped up beside my heart and had to be put back in place...they "patched" the hole...but have had issues ever since. This diet has helped....but was doing OK right before I started this diet. He says it is a way of healing the body. I never believed in holistic drs before... but have seen the difference he has made in two of my friends life and health. I believe given the right foods the body can heal itself. I eat as close to natural as possible. I just needed ideas for variety. You always have some "smarties" in the blogs...comes with the territory. When you have been sickso long that it edpffects your do what might wwork..if not you move on. I am committed for 18 weeks...that's it. Just want to feel well. Main stream drs and thousands of dollars have left me no where...besides meds and tests. Thanks for all your helpful suggestions...I will look at the sites.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I'm ok with seeing a holistic doctor. So much of our medical system is based on treating symptoms that many times they do more harm than good. Do you know what they call the medical student that finished at the bottom of his class? They call him "doctor".

    How is the diet set up? Is there a target balance between the fat and protein?

    The diet at this moment is set up for me to eat 72 grams of sugar..wheat..high carb veggies etc. wheat has been a very sparce part of my diet...I do miss my oatmeal..with chia seeds and fruit. High carb fruits are out :( that about sums it up
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Oh...and this is through a nutrition center.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Is it low carb or no carb? And why is he saying to eat that way? Personally I'd see a real doctor because this advice sounds like garbage.

    the OP said 72 g of carbs. That isn't even that low. Why is advice to do 72 g of carbs garbage?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if your doctor gave you instructions to do something you know nothing about, reading a book about it is a great start and Im sure he can make a suggestion -or call a nutritionist.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Dave198lbs wrote: »
    Is it low carb or no carb? And why is he saying to eat that way? Personally I'd see a real doctor because this advice sounds like garbage.

    the OP said 72 g of carbs. That isn't even that low. Why is advice to do 72 g of carbs garbage?

    Its like eating an apple and a small potato...72 grams gone. I have seen the " real doctors" ... tired of their "I don't know..try this...take this med see if it helps" had enough...and its a low carb diet.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    FWIW I've been lowcarb for over a year now, and every time I have anything with wheat in it, I get the runs something fierce.

    I've learned the hard (and messy) way to just avoid the stuff. "Treating" myself never turns out to be a treat.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Wheat is definitely not anyone's friend....not the same wheat our grandmother's used to eat.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi there. I definitely second what someone mentioned above. Check out the low carb group here on this site. There's tons of resources there.

    I'm trying to keep my carbs under 100 a day so we have similar goals.
    Here's a recipe I recently discovered and I completely love:

    If you love salty/crunchy stuff like chips. Try these. I'm a huge fan of the dill pickle ones. :)

    Alot of people love shirataki noodles. Here's a post by a MFP member who really loves them and has developed all sorts of ways to use them.
    I used the roast chicken broth from the roast chicken recipe above recently to make a chicken noodle soup with the Shirataki noodles. Less than 3g of carbs per serving!

    Heres some other things to try:
    Guacamole (if you like that sort of thing) with cellery/carrots/veggies dipped instead of tortilla chips

    Taziki sauce (can be made as a dip for veggies, home made chicken fingers, or as a topper for a Greek burger w/ lettuce wrap etc)

    In place of mashed potatoes make this cauliflower mash: (cheese and butter make this super tasty just like potatoes.)

    Many grocery stores sell carb control yogurts

    There are actually ways to make low carb bread substitutes. See the low carb group for more details. :)

    Brownberry's sandwich thins are a great way to have a sandwich without going nuts on carbs. To me, 22g of carbs is well worth it. :) That's half the carbs of 2 slices of whole wheat bread!)

    I've also used the sandwich thins as a mini pizza crust substitute and it works great.

    See also:

    How about a low carb taco salad?

    If you like tuna (or crab cakes) these are pretty yummy:

    Low carb dieting requires quite a bit of planning and cooking till you get used to it. But with persistence and creativity you'll do fine. :)

  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Thank you! I know its do able...just not something I am familiar with
  • whitlisd
    Have you ever had your gall bladder out? I had diarrhea for years after I had mine out. I added fiber to my diet and everything seemed to clear up.
  • Maryam2014mfp
    Have you tried the BRATY diet? (Bananas, rice, apples, toast, yoghurt). It is what they recommend for Diahrea and can be used long term (not forever; but more than several days). It helped my son when he had problems due to allergies and intolerances (to get his system back on track). FYI
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I did have my gallbladder out...they removed it when I had the diaphragm repair. I was eating high fiber...25-30 grams per day until this low carb thing....that is something I am struggling with getting on this diet. Just too much meat ..but I will get through the 18 weeks. Thanks.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I assume by restricting carbs he does not mean fiber in general (which counts as a carb), just carbs from grains, starches / sugars, yes? Or in other words, have you clarified if what he means is "net carbs"?

  • abaldi0506
    abaldi0506 Posts: 78 Member
    google paleo recipes. You will get a ton of support and recipes.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I once never imagined that I would suggest fried pork skins, but they are a great way to get that carb fix when you need a crunchy, salty treat. They are a great substitute for potato chips
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I never had a problem until my stomach flipped and they did the surgery...could be gallbladder related .