So I had a binge today



  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    edited October 2014
    Under 15 minutes? I missed this in OP.

    Because otherwise, a 1000 cal. meal is really nothing to write home about.
  • AlanaTedmon
    AlanaTedmon Posts: 105 Member
    Under 15 minutes? I missed this in OP.

    Haha! Don't quote me on that. I just remember reading it somewhere.
  • Ash_danielle
    Ash_danielle Posts: 62 Member
    Log it drink lots of water walk the bloat off and move on
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    OK, so you ate too much today. Sometimes a good feeding is not a bad thing.
    Gather your energy, focus on your goals and start again.
    No need to dwell on a lost battle when you're still in the fight.

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Goodness, people have weird definition of "a binge" ...

    What you did is to overeat.

    How do you differentiate binging vs just overeating?
    Isn't binging when you have over 1000 calories in under fifteen minutes?

    Overeating doesn't have the same mindset as binging. Overeating, IMHO, is when you miscalculate how hungry you are. In this case, say I had a pizza. I had three slices, and after an hour I felt way too full. I overate.

    If it was a binge, I would have those three pieces, and then have a fourth. And then a fifth. I wouldn't have control in stopping myself, and would eat until it was gone or I could no longer physically hold any more food.

    I don't have any personal experience with binging, binge eating disorder, ect...but this is the general consensus that I have gathered from people who suffer from BPD and binging here on this website.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Goodness, people have weird definition of "a binge" ...

    What you did is to overeat.

    How do you differentiate binging vs just overeating?
    Isn't binging when you have over 1000 calories in under fifteen minutes?

    If I'm sitting on my couch surrounded by the empty wrappers of 20 McDonald cheese burgers and crying into my mcflurry then I would consider it a binge. Not.... You know... Saying that's ever happened to me or anything *shift eye*.

    I find the difference between binging and overeating to be a very personal mental and emotional thing where we all have to draw our own line. It's not the same for everyone.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I disagree about not logging it. Log everything. Make a note about the pizza even. Not for guilt. For accountability to yourself and for tracking your ups and downs. Also make a note about how your day was going and how you were feeling before you ate the pizza. Our slip-ups can be very illuminating.

    Tell yourself, "it's OK." Read this:

    Next time you consider eating a whole medium pizza in one sitting, remind yourself just how yucky you are feeling right now.
  • Isabelle_1929
    Isabelle_1929 Posts: 233 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm no specialist or anything, but I would add:

    - When you binge, you do not eat like a "normal person". Period. We're not talking of a huge meal or a crazy Christmas fiest at Grand-Ma, here.

    - No one binges in public or in front of other people.

    - And ... typically, you will not talk about your binge (or will be vague and will not say exactly what you ate and how much) except anonymously, in a message board like this one.

    That being said, overeating IS a problem in itself. But overeating is different than bingeing, and it does not necessarily call for the same solutions.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Goodness, people have weird definition of "a binge" ...

    What you did is to overeat.

    How do you differentiate binging vs just overeating?
    Isn't binging when you have over 1000 calories in under fifteen minutes?

    Overeating doesn't have the same mindset as binging. Overeating, IMHO, is when you miscalculate how hungry you are. In this case, say I had a pizza. I had three slices, and after an hour I felt way too full. I overate.

    If it was a binge, I would have those three pieces, and then have a fourth. And then a fifth. I wouldn't have control in stopping myself, and would eat until it was gone or I could no longer physically hold any more food.

    I don't have any personal experience with binging, binge eating disorder, ect...but this is the general consensus that I have gathered from people who suffer from BPD and binging here on this website.

    Sometimes even way beyond that point.

    True binges are nightmares. I do think that some people use the term binge when applied to food way too liberally, but if it causes as much distress as it seems to be for the OP... and they can't control how much they are eating, the word binge seems appropriate.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Goodness, people have weird definition of "a binge" ...

    What you did is to overeat.

    How do you differentiate binging vs just overeating?
    Isn't binging when you have over 1000 calories in under fifteen minutes?

    Overeating doesn't have the same mindset as binging. Overeating, IMHO, is when you miscalculate how hungry you are. In this case, say I had a pizza. I had three slices, and after an hour I felt way too full. I overate.

    If it was a binge, I would have those three pieces, and then have a fourth. And then a fifth. I wouldn't have control in stopping myself, and would eat until it was gone or I could no longer physically hold any more food.

    I don't have any personal experience with binging, binge eating disorder, ect...but this is the general consensus that I have gathered from people who suffer from BPD and binging here on this website.

    Sometimes even way beyond that point.

    True binges are nightmares. I do think that some people use the term binge when applied to food way too liberally, but if it causes as much distress as it seems to be for the OP... and they can't control how much they are eating, the word binge seems appropriate.

    Very true, thanks for your input!

    Also, since it's too late for me to edit it my OP, I wrote BPD when I meant to write BED.

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'm no specialist or anything, but I would add:

    - When you binge, you do not eat like a "normal person". Period. We're not talking of a huge meal or a crazy Christmas fiest at Grand-Ma, here.

    - No one binges in public or in front of other people.

    - And ... typically, you will not talk about your binge (or will be vague and will not say exactly what you ate and how much) except anonymously, in a message board like this one.

    That being said, overeating IS a problem in itself. But overeating is different than bingeing, and it does not necessarily call for the same solutions.
    Points two and three are false. You're right, you're not a specialist. I bet you didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    edited November 2014
    Goodness, people have weird definition of "a binge" ...

    What you did is to overeat.

    How do you differentiate binging vs just overeating?
    Isn't binging when you have over 1000 calories in under fifteen minutes?

    If I'm sitting on my couch surrounded by the empty wrappers of 20 McDonald cheese burgers and crying into my mcflurry then I would consider it a binge. Not.... You know... Saying that's ever happened to me or anything *shift eye*.

    I find the difference between binging and overeating to be a very personal mental and emotional thing where we all have to draw our own line. It's not the same for everyone.

    LOLZ -Agreed tho, the pain def. stops me and its still over eating..but binging yeah sounds like its just much worse like nonstop till you pass out but buahahaha but on a more serious note don't binging go on for days, the moment you feel better the next day it happens all over again just smashing your face like a gluttonous devil? until you feel you had enough? -def. guilty of it short term wise but the last few years have been the best years of my food life that I ever had…
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Goodness, people have weird definition of "a binge" ...

    What you did is to overeat.

    How do you differentiate binging vs just overeating?
    Isn't binging when you have over 1000 calories in under fifteen minutes?

    If I'm sitting on my couch surrounded by the empty wrappers of 20 McDonald cheese burgers and crying into my mcflurry then I would consider it a binge. Not.... You know... Saying that's ever happened to me or anything *shift eye*.

    I find the difference between binging and overeating to be a very personal mental and emotional thing where we all have to draw our own line. It's not the same for everyone.

    LOLZ -Agreed tho, the pain def. stops me and its still over eating..but binging yeah sounds like its just much worse like nonstop till you pass out but buahahaha but on a more serious note don't binging go on for days, the moment you feel better the next day it happens all over again just smashing your face like a gluttonous devil? until you feel you had enough? -def. guilty of it short term wise but the last few years have been the best years of my food life that I ever had…

    Nope binges don't have a set time. Sometimes it's just a shirt burst of action.
    When I was actively bulemic the action was to "binge and purge", though it wasn't even necessarily a daily event.
    Later on after I "recovered" from bulemia I would sometimes have bouts of binging. Just binging no purging. Something horrible would happen in my day and I would go straight for a rediculous amount of food. Just the one meal but HUGE.
    I've always been an emotional eater so that didn't help.

    Before I started tracking and losing weight I was still an emotional eater but I wouldn't binge. And of course sometimes I would overeat (hello that's how I gained weight these last 3 years) but my.binging days are well behind me.

    But like I said, everyone is different. There probably ARE ppl out there that binge for days but I was never one of them. I've never eaten until I passed out and I've NEVER smashed food into my face like a gluttonous devil. Even at the height of my bulemia I was too much of a lady for that last one. Lol.