Which is the better workout?

gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I've always wondered which is the better workout: Elliptical or Treadmill?
I'm not a huge fan of the Treadmill, it's too boring for me and I'm not a huge fan of running. I always prefer the Elliptical and it seems I usually burn more calories on it than I do on the Treadmill.
I'm sure it depends on the person.
Curious what everyone else thinks?!


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I think the treadmill is boring too. Plus once your weight is down walking just doesn't count for crud calories wise. If I have to exercise indoors I do the stationary bike because I can read while I am on there. I would like to try an elliptical some time.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I much prefer the elliptical. I burn quite a few more calories than the treadmill since I'm not a runner. The best use of the treadmill is intervals of running and walking. I've thought about trying that but the treadmills are popular in my tiny office gym at work.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    When I first started working out again I always used the elliptical, but now I am all about the treadmill and doing intervals.

    It gets my heart rate up and is harder for me physically so I try to work out on the treadmill. I still use the elliptical but I am leaning more towards the treadmill.

    Also, when I hit a plateau, the high intensity intervals helped me break through the plateau.

    Good luck! Try a mixture of both and you'll be fine.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    The better workout is the one you will do regularly. :happy:

    That's my rather glib answer. It's just that not being bored to tears by a workout helps keep me coming back.
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    I used to use the treadmill before when I was thin and I loved it. But as of last year, I started to get shin splints so I got on the eliptical and I loved it! No problems with my legs or heels at all. I do want to get back on the treadmill but it will take a little bit of time for me again.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Elliptical ALL the way!! I can burn double the calories on the elliptical by putting it on an incline or against resistance or both(incline against resistance). I burn atleast 630-700 calories in 30 minutes, depending how fast I go. On the treadmill it's around 300 calories for 30 minutes. I have both, though, so sometimes I like to run on the treadmill just to change things up. It's hard using the treadmill for 30 minutes, though, knowing I will burn double on the elliptical.
  • lcheney89
    lcheney89 Posts: 10
    The elliptical is actually better for you! Why? You're utilizing a greater number of muscle groups (arms and legs) so you end up burning more calories overall. The more muscle groups you use the better, so both would be better than the bike. I'm an exercise physiology major, so I've learned about all this in class. Good luck! :smile:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I was thinking about this too the last few days.....I mean I know without a doubt an elliptical is better......but I really want to start running, so I though during winter indoors it was the obvious choice, but It gets sooooooooo BORING, and the elliptical not as much.

    Wonder if I can convince hubby I need both??? LOL
  • gorefan82
    gorefan82 Posts: 44 Member
    awesome. thanks for all the replies!!
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I'd def rather the elliptical then the tredmil!! good luck!
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I like the answer- whichever one keeps you coming back.
    If you dread the treadmill you wont want to come back to it. Even if you force yourself on it, you wont put forth the effort needed for a productive workout just because you mentally hate being on it. The elliptical burns more calories, which is the main focus of this weight loss program, to burn more calories than you take in right! The elliptical is less stressful on your knees and joints also. But you do eventually maybe want to run someday....so utilize your elliptical, but throw in some roadwork or treadmill , just short intervals, 30 seconds running one minute walking...even if for only 12 -15 minutes. It wont show alot of calories burned , but thats okay, your putting in the work.
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