Hello from VA

Hi, my name is Marie and I am so totally frustrated with my weight right now. I need to lose some weight like about 70 pounds. I have been on here before and I have tried weight watchers and any other diet that I can think of. I am hoping to stay focused this time and really lose weight. I do have a goal to work towards which I think will help. My husband and I are going to Costa Rica in the beginning of December. I really would like to lose some weight before then. Anyway I would really like to make some friends on here who we can motivate each other. I hope to talk to some of you soon. Marie


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Marie! I'll help cheer you on! Feel free to add me!
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Hi Marie, if this helps -- losing weight is not about staying perfectly focused. Nobody can do that well. It's about staying with it.

    When you start your travel to Costa Rica, set your app to "Maintain my current weight." You'll get between 500-1000 calories more to work with every day, which makes restaurants and planes a lot more manageable. Set it back to your goal weight loss once your back home. Most people gain weight on a trip, or abandoned their diets. It's a prime time for quitters. Doing this will let you avoid these pitfalls.
  • GoneGirl50
    GoneGirl50 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Marie,

    I felt totally defeated by my weight, and had given up trying to lose. I went to see my doctor, and he set me up to see a nutritionist; however, it was something he said that was the key. He said that I sounded hypoglycemic, and asked if I knew about eating small meals frequently throughout the day. I experimented with this and started losing painlessly. I cancelled my appointment with the nutritionist.
    It seems that everyone finds something that works for them. There is no lack of tips, advice, articles, recipes, and encouragement on MFP. Find what works for you!!