Do you have abs?

ang3li Posts: 69 Member
I want to talk to people that have visible abs.

How long did it take you to get them (how long have you been training/dieting for)?
What is your diet like?

I am on a mission to get abs. When i flex, i can see some sort of muscle definition and am currently at 20.3% body fat. I would love visible abs and would love any tips / info from people that do have abs :)

Also, feel free to add me as a friend and critique my diet


  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I do, I just need to remove the belly so the world can see them :)

    I can definitely feel them, and lifting heavy weights has made them more pronounced. Now it's about diet so I can take a look and then decide if they need more work.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,715 Member
    Visible abs are just about low body fat. And that just boils down to calorie deficit till you reach it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Judging on your body fat % your not far off.

    Just keep at your diet.

    I eat just about everything that isn't canned or labeled diet/sugar free.

    I think it took a couple months or 20lbs to start to pop through. I going to continue eating at a deficit in another 5-10 lbs max. I should be around 13-14 bf% by then.

    Lots of cardio running/biking. I do squats & dead lifts around 300lbs that contributes to some of it. But diet is where it's at..
  • ang3li
    ang3li Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for all your input!
    I am on a low carb diet for now to try and get my abs popping
    i will just remain consistent and stick to my diet and training

    I have a bikini competition in 15 weeks and hope to see them in that time!
  • lxjennie
    lxjennie Posts: 17 Member
    I do not have visible abs (yet). But I was on a low carb(40% per day) for 2 weeks and I could really see more definition. So I can assure you that low carb really helps!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    this is a how long is a piece of string question.

    Depends on:
    1: current BF%
    2. amount of muscle mass
    3. size of calorie deficit
    4. previous dieting history

    Just keep lifting and stick with cal/macro targets (if in deficit) is about all you can do :smile:
  • ang3li
    ang3li Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks for all your comments! I will just keep at it :)
  • OnDatBulk
    OnDatBulk Posts: 10
    having visible abs is all about being lean, nothing else. if you wanna see your abs, drop to about 10-12% bf and i guarantee youll be able to see at least a 4 pack
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    having visible abs is all about being lean, nothing else. if you wanna see your abs, drop to about 10-12% bf and i guarantee youll be able to see at least a 4 pack
    Did you notice that the OP is female? 10%-12% is pushing the limits of essential body fat for a woman and can potentially cause hormonal disruptions. Female bodybuilders in competition shape come in around 10%, but can't safely maintain that level year 'round. If the OP dropped that low she wouldn't just see a 4-pack - she'd most likely see an 8-pack and every vein covering it.
  • OnDatBulk
    OnDatBulk Posts: 10
    I didnt take that into account, Im so used to posting about guys that it slipped my mind