Question about recovery from a groin strain.

Stev0lved Posts: 28 Member
edited November 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone here ever had a groin strain from lifting? In particular, I'm talking about squats. I started doing SL 5x5 about a month ago, and in the second week I incurred a groin strain. I'm pretty sure it's because my stance was too wide, and now it hurts when I try to squat. I'm going to take time off from squatting and deadlifts in order to let this heal.

Onto the question. If you have had a groin strain before, how long did it take for you to completely recover from it?


  • Captain_Wobbles
    Captain_Wobbles Posts: 240 Member
    Sorry to hear about the strain man. I have never had an actual groin strain, but what I usually do when i do get a strain is sit it out for 3-4 days, icing it and just taking it easy. Then i'll see how warm ups go. If it still hurts i'll rest a few more days, if I'm getting through warm ups with minimal discomfort I take a 40-60% deload and slowly ramp it back up over a few workouts. For me personally it takes between 5-10 days to get back onto my routine, and up to 2 weeks after that to get back to heavy triples. Just listen to your body.