
Hi everyone. Newbie here. 2 questions for you--- At night I am out of control on eating, from about 2-3pm on, any help or suggestions? Today I am just not going to eat breakfast, maybe not even lunch so that I can add calories to later on in the day when I am out of control. (this is even with putting in a snack etc--or at least that is how I have been lately) It's so frustrating (also, I have a family of 7 food is in my face constantly). Next question-- How do you put one of those cute weight trackers on your profile. Thanks all! The struggle is real! :'(


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    If you're trying to get out of control, skipping meals is a sure way to do it. When you feel starved, you have a natural tendency to try to take in more food without regard to how much.

    As for avoiding being out of control, I find that tracking my calorie intake tends to put a stop to it. Frequently, I'll decide not to eat something because I know that means I have to go to the trouble of recording the number of calories.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    What is your cal goal? What is your weight loss goal per week? Do you get enough fats in your diet? Do you bing is specific foods?
  • CatK15
    CatK15 Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with Timothy, you can't skip meals. You're body needs fuel in order to burn fat. By skipping meals you're making it worse. When you feel like you want to eat, try to keep your mind occupied by doing something else. Go for a walk or clean or anything really that you enjoy doing.
    Next question-- How do you put one of those cute weight trackers on your profile. Thanks all! The struggle is real!
    Under My Home, go to Profile and under Progress you should be able to personalize a weight ticker.
  • CaliSteph80
    CaliSteph80 Posts: 13 Member
    Have to agree with what everyone else above. With work being so busy for me, I've skipped breakfast and lunch which in turn made me overeat and my body want to hold onto those calories. Also, when I'm starving, I make horrible choices. Drink some water and maybe carry around some small snacks so that you're giving your body something.

    Feel free to add me if you need some daily support.

    Good luck,

  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    Frustration is hard to deal with but it is possible to overcome emotional eating and night time bingeing. You can add me it you'd like -- been there done that!
  • k8eschm8e
    k8eschm8e Posts: 27 Member
    I am trying to stay at 750 calories ( yeah right, right?!) My goal date is May 25 (that gives me 7 months), My goal weight is 160 (less would be great, but with 160, I'd be good, want to be realistic in case of slip ups or set backs). I would like to try to lose 3 lbs per week ,but am ok with 2. I have gotten my butt back in the gym (only for a 6-7 workout days total) and workouts have went well, doing the best I can. I am taking classes like Crossfit, TRX and Total Athletic Conditioning, they kick my butt, and I will do 2 classes a day every day (2hrs every day) (have been mon-fri, but I am giving myself the option of taking Fridays off as well if I'd like) I would love to add anyone who would give me support, Thanks so much! So how do I do that? :) Also, I looked for the ticker, still can't find it <
    slow newbie here o:)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    k8eschm8e wrote: »
    I am trying to stay at 750 calories ( yeah right, right?!) My goal date is May 25 (that gives me 7 months), My goal weight is 160 (less would be great, but with 160, I'd be good, want to be realistic in case of slip ups or set backs). I would like to try to lose 3 lbs per week ,but am ok with 2. I have gotten my butt back in the gym (only for a 6-7 workout days total) and workouts have went well, doing the best I can. I am taking classes like Crossfit, TRX and Total Athletic Conditioning, they kick my butt, and I will do 2 classes a day every day (2hrs every day) (have been mon-fri, but I am giving myself the option of taking Fridays off as well if I'd like) I would love to add anyone who would give me support, Thanks so much! So how do I do that? :) Also, I looked for the ticker, still can't find it <
    slow newbie here o:)

    That's why you're hungry. Set a more realistic (and healthy) goal. I highly doubt you can meet the nutritional needs of your body with that low of a calorie goal.
  • k8eschm8e
    k8eschm8e Posts: 27 Member
    Oh, and my nightly eating could be anything to btw, nothing specific at all :\
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    k8eschm8e wrote: »
    I am trying to stay at 750 calories ( yeah right, right?!)

    This. This is your problem right here.

  • k8eschm8e
    k8eschm8e Posts: 27 Member
    Lol! I know, I just want to lose weight fast :( I figured if I cheat and get my cals even up to 1200, it's still better than what I was doing?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    The problem is the lack of nutrition, the muscle wastage, the emotional pain that comes along with failure, which is more likely to happen when you are being too strict. Set a reasonable deficit (even 1200 is too low for MOST people). Realize that this is going to take some time, be forgiving of yourself, and enjoy the process a whole lot more. Just my opinion.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited November 2014
    Not what you want to hear, I know, but your body is trying to tell you something. 750 calories per day isn't sustainable for you. Instead of trying to lose the weight fast, try to lose it in a way that it'll stay off forever. Trust me, you don't want to start yo-yo dieting; it's very hard on your body and you'll pay for it in the long run with a lower metabolism as you lose lean body mass. There is no quick fix for losing weight. Pills don't work, nor does anything that promises you to "melt fat quick". The problem with those things is that you aren't learning how to eat to maintain your new weight. Learning that is the trick to being successful at losing weight and keeping it off and the only way to learn that is to lose weight the hard way: burning more calories than you eat and eating enough to fuel your body properly.

    Keep in mind that the number on the scale is not the be all and end all of losing weight. You, and your doctor, are the only one who sees that number. It distresses me that so many of us get completely hung up on it. Rather than aim for a meaningless number (and it is meaningless, I promise) shoot for a size goal. Grab a tape measure and track your waist, hips, thighs, etc. Weight fluctuates on an hourly basis due to water retention and even the food you just ate; the tape measure doesn't. The number on the scale also doesn't differentiate between fat, water and muscle. The more muscle you build the more you can weigh and be a smaller size. I started weight lifting early this summer and my measurements are as small as they were when I was 10 pounds lighter. The jiggle on my arms is gone and I'm seeing definition in my thighs even though I've only lost about 5 or 7 pounds. So believe me when I tell you to ignore the scale, eat to maintain a healthy weight and think about adding strength training to your routine.
  • k8eschm8e
    k8eschm8e Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice everyone. It's not 3pm yet, but I had a super small breakfast--worked out with two tough classes today (TRX and Crossfit---shoulders are sore!) and a huge lunch that was full of high protein, vege, even had rice, but because of my workout, I am totally fine with it.) I am not too hungry right now :) Buuut, that can change in an hour when the big kids get home and start snacking. But I agree about the weight-- back when I was fit--- I weighed 155 (which is high for 5'4), did weights/cardio and really looked great--but I was super fit (muscle). 3 bbs in a row will take a load on a body (especially when you are shoving whatever/whenever in your mouth). I will eventually add on running and get back to that (get up to 5mi, 3-4x/week), but the toning with the classes feels good now. Slow and steady---but I would really love it if the weight didn't come off slow and steady ;) I do need to measure--One thing I have never done---even when I was in great shape! That's a good idea for when the scale isn't being kind to me! ;) Thanks again for the support. Wow, myfitnesspal is pretty neat!