Now I Walk With a Cane

I guess that's why people on here stress good form...

I recently felt like a boss after adding a good bit of weight to my squat. I'd made it through 5x5 of my new, increased weight. Then I added five more pounds and did 5x5, with a little difficulty, but certainly no injuries or increased soreness. Then, yesterday, rathe than increase the weight again, I kept it the same. Set one was fine. Set two was fine. Set three, rep three, I don't know what happened. To the best of my knowledge, I was having trouble and I think I started raising up with my lower back more than my quads.

Well, lower back gave out, I screamed in pain, barely was able to rack the bar, and dropped to the floor. I was able to hobble around yesterday, but it hurt and I preferred to sit. I used a heat pad, but the severity wasn't so intense as to suggest anything serious.

As I write this, I'm sitting on the couch with a big bag of ice on my lower back, a cane next to me (yeah, embarassing, but I can't walk without a cane) and my pregnant wife waiting on me (which makes me feel like a horrible, horrible person). My lower back is on fire. I can barely wipe my own *kitten* without gasping in pain. Forget about putting pants on of my own accord.

I don't know why I'm writing this. I think it's because I'm hoping someone who has been here will read this and tell me it gets better within a day or two. By strange coincidence, I'd already requested Monday off of work, so I can attend a dentist appointment. However, the yard work and sprinkler blowout I had planned will probably have to wait. So, anyone ever been here? Able to tell me for how long I'll be laid up? I guess that's all I have for now. Thanks for reading.


  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Get to a dr and have an MRI done!!! It could be nothing or it could be major! Do it now!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    I was watching a documentary (can't remember) with my wife one time. It showed a male doing a headstand on his elbows then tilting his legs forward (like an L position). My wife said that was really impressive, and me being a show off said I could do it. She dared me to prove it, so I did it. Now while I did do it, I did it with no warm up and from the last time I did it, I now 40lbs heavier.
    Well later that day my back stiffened up. So much so I couldn't even put our daughter down into the crib. This lasted for 3 weeks. Lesson learned.

    As mentioned above, get some medical attention to make sure that there's no serious damage. Mine ended up being a strain (which is an actual tear), but since I know how to rehab correctly, I've had no other complications since that episode.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Thanks and go 9ers!!!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Do not put heat on it that makes the area more inflamed. Ice it only 20 min at a time. Take a anti inflammatory med and probably a muscle relaxer for a couple days up to one or two weeks. You must rest and take it very easy. Go to the dr to make sure you didn't do more damage. Alternate doing a pack on the back with a massage of the area and a ice massage with a water bottle. When you can lay flat on your back lift your leg in the air and do a circular motion of the hip on each side. Then do slow spinal twist. These will help. Do little walking as you can and stand up straight as you can. This will help. I have pulled out my back 4 x. You are now prone to reinjury and putting out your back. You will need to build up core muscles that help with back. Be very careful with weights. It may be awhile before you can go back to that. Take it very slow if you feel that feeling in your back stop it what you are doing this will prevent you from another of your back going out. I do not lift or squat heavy so I cant advise on that. Just listen to your body.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Have you been to see a Dr about it? If you havent then why not? Arent the alarm bells going off in your head?
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    The alarm bells aren't going off because I was able to walk and do things just fine yesterday. I believe things are much worse today because I was lying in the same position for almost 10 hours last night. I think I'm very stiff and my muscles are extremely tight / wound up right now. Believe me, I will listen to my body. Unfortunately, there are a number of circumstances right now that prevent a hospital visit. No doubt, they will rush me for an emergency MRI. Had two of those in the last year that cost $3500 each. I can't do that to my family. I will see a doctor on Monday. Thanks for your concern.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    I had 2herniated disks and finished my shift at work before I went to the dr! Get it checked out! Get cleared by a dr as soon as you can.

    Till you can get to the dr, lay on your stomach and see if you can relax your hips into the floor.

  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I haven't been in your situation, but I have family members that have!

    You can go to a walk-in clinic instead and just ask them for Flexeril. However, be aware that side effects include drowsiness, fuzziness, etc. Be sure to take an NSAID at a minimum, as long as you don't have any other health issues that prevent you from taking those. Read more about Flexeril and medications for back pain below.

    Once you have recovered, you may wish to do regular back exercises to try to prevent future incidents (although perhaps you won't overdo it again!). I hope you feel better soon!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh gosh I'm so sorry. That's the main reason why I'm reluctant to start those programs.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh I'm so sorry. That's the main reason why I'm reluctant to start those programs.

    Please don't be scared of a program because someone executed it poorly or in an unsafe way. Compound lifts are amazing and can be done without the risk of injury if you take it slow and focus on form over the weight you are pushing!
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh I'm so sorry. That's the main reason why I'm reluctant to start those programs.

    This came from me pushing my limit and trying to add serious weight to my squat. This happened at 210 lbs., not from doing squats. I fully agree that compound exercises are the best thing for most people, from aspiring lifters to people who want lifetime fitness. I believe professioals say squats, deadlifts and lunges are the most important things for lifetime fitness.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you cant afford a Dr then how about a sports physio?
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    The dr wont do a xray. He will be able to tell just by the physical examination. As I said ive done this several times. Also is there a free clinic in your area? Some hospitals have a program where they may pay your bill if you are unable. I have this situation as well. No ins.