some help with my Fitbit please

I received a Fitbit One as a gift... I understand it measures steps etc. However, whilst I really like gadgets and things I don't seem to have a clue what to use it for aside for measuring steps. I synced with MFP, but then I noticed that when I put it on this morning it already gave me 591 calories burnt, is that because it assumes thats how much I burnt in night??
another thing - today I have walked about 11,000 steps so far. it has given me an extra 1,000 calories to eat!!!! that doesn't sound right does it?

Please can someone give me the dummy's guide to how to use it best?


  • Sutnak
    Sutnak Posts: 227 Member
    Do you have your activity level set to sedentary?

  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    The 591 calories sounds fairly accurate. I typically wake up with calories in that range. That would be what your body burns from midnight until you wake, just to keep your bodily functions going.

    The 1000 calories sounds a lot for 11,000 steps, but really depends on how you got them. It should know the difference between just steps and more intense activity. Just walking? Did you run? How many active minutes? I'm set to sedentary and I've never had an adjustment of 1000 calories, even on a day with an hour of zumba and a 3 mile walk.
  • TweedAddict
    TweedAddict Posts: 53 Member
    Mine has about 530 cals first thing in the morning. As for steps for 12000 I get back about 430 cals and normally have 60 active minutes in the bank. Not including exercise
  • I have a similar concern. It's giving me an awful lot of burned cals for my daily exercise routine (which is apparently between 6-10 miles of running/walking) and I've been reticent to actually eat near these calories because it seems like a lot.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    So I haven't been eating those back at all because I'm not sure if they are accurate. In actual fact, I have noticed that yesterday and today they have been less so maybe it is getting used to me and my lifestyle (does that even make sense)

    Where would I set it on Sedentary? online?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Make sure calorie estimation is disabled (will be in you fitbit settings on

    For me to get close to a 1000 calorie adjustment, at my current weight:
    81 Mins of Circuit
    A 5 mile walk @ roughly 3mph
    adjustment was steps that day 20,589 (I have MFP, set to sedentary)

    Fitbit calories burned takes into account your BMR. So for every 15 mins of inactivity you get some calories. For me, I get 16 every 15 mins or 64 calories an hour without activity. Ends up being around 1536 calories in a day which is my approx BMR.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    Make sure calorie estimation is disabled (will be in you fitbit settings on

    For me to get close to a 1000 calorie adjustment, at my current weight:
    81 Mins of Circuit
    A 5 mile walk @ roughly 3mph
    adjustment was steps that day 20,589 (I have MFP, set to sedentary)

    Fitbit calories burned takes into account your BMR. So for every 15 mins of inactivity you get some calories. For me, I get 16 every 15 mins or 64 calories an hour without activity. Ends up being around 1536 calories in a day which is my approx BMR.

    wow, thats amazing, thank you so much.
    My MFP is set to lightly active (because it lists my profession as one of them) should I switch that off? how do I work out my exact BMR using my fitbit? I average about 2200 calories burnt on there and that normally includes a walk or gym or something
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    PLEASE NOTE: There is a glitch with the FitBit app right now that is giving GROSSLY overestimated calories to eat figures. The website dashboard should show the correct amount, but the app is definitely broken right now: