Cutting down on alcohol



  • JenWoo77
    JenWoo77 Posts: 9 Member
    Since NFL football started back up, my weight went up. I love to have a couple cold beers/drinks when watching the games. It's the amount of sugar that is in the alcohol that causes the weight gain. Some alcohols have more some less. You really need to research your alcohols to see what would be the best. Here is a good article to read about alcohol content
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    JenWoo77 wrote: »
    Since NFL football started back up, my weight went up. I love to have a couple cold beers/drinks when watching the games. It's the amount of sugar that is in the alcohol that causes the weight gain. Some alcohols have more some less. You really need to research your alcohols to see what would be the best. Here is a good article to read about alcohol content
    No, its the calories and the lack of diet adherence when under the influence . Also, the alcohol is the preferred fuel source when ingested, putting carbs, fats and proteins in the back seat while your body rids itself of the alcohol.
  • JenWoo77
    JenWoo77 Posts: 9 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    JenWoo77 wrote: »
    Since NFL football started back up, my weight went up. I love to have a couple cold beers/drinks when watching the games. It's the amount of sugar that is in the alcohol that causes the weight gain. Some alcohols have more some less. You really need to research your alcohols to see what would be the best. Here is a good article to read about alcohol content
    No, its the calories and the lack of diet adherence when under the influence . Also, the alcohol is the preferred fuel source when ingested, putting carbs, fats and proteins in the back seat while your body rids itself of the alcohol.

    You are correct on that. I meant to change it to calories instead of sugars.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I work in marketing, and when I travel for work, we often end up eating out and drinking. For me, I've learned that it's not just having a drink or two, but it's the cycle that it creates, as you explain. I could easily fit a couple drinks into my diet, but then it's the late-night snacking that often comes with it, staying up too late, missing a workout in the morning, then eating like garbage the next day. You have to determine if it's worth all of that.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Whatever works for you - but demonizing alcohol is no different than demonizing sugar, or fat or "insert food here" what it comes down to is personal decision making and not using external agents as an excuse.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I found that cutting out my "normal" alcohol intake helped me tremendously with weight loss. I now have a glass of wine a month roughly and it's incredibly the difference I feel. I know what you mean about temptation (my partner and I are invested in a brewery!) but staying hydrated, I find, helps me resist the urge to just sip on a drink, especially in social situations. Since I can't control my eating when I drink I simply steer clear. However I do fit in one day a month where I will have some wine with dinner. It was rough initially but now it's just part of my life habits :) good luck!
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Hey! dont cut it out completely, then you will just want it more... we want what we cant have ha ha

    Drink as it fits your lifestyle, just drink less or drink smarter.. Gin and water, or Gin and tonic, stick to beer rather than sugar drinks. Or stick to straight shots ... Vodka shot 85 calories for example..

    Even Wine... Not to bad, good buzz and not to much of a problem...
    Incorporate your fave foods and drinks and create a caloric deficit,
    weight loss is math, calories in vs calories out, as long as your doing this method,
    you can do what you want.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    We are the same OP. When I drink it was getting in the way of losing weight. I did figure out how to do body recomp. I honestly when I see alcohol it does not have that effect on me like it used too. I have cut back this year by if not 99% since any other year I have been drinking.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I too cannot stop at one or two so...I stay away from drinking ,weight loss doesn't go along with drinking...
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    JenWoo77 wrote: »
    Since NFL football started back up, my weight went up. I love to have a couple cold beers/drinks when watching the games. It's the amount of sugar that is in the alcohol that causes the weight gain. Some alcohols have more some less. You really need to research your alcohols to see what would be the best. Here is a good article to read about alcohol content
    No, its the calories and the lack of diet adherence when under the influence . Also, the alcohol is the preferred fuel source when ingested, putting carbs, fats and proteins in the back seat while your body rids itself of the alcohol.

    ^ Thank you for this - finally the preferred fuel source explanation I've been waiting to see.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    edited November 2014
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    JenWoo77 wrote: »
    Since NFL football started back up, my weight went up. I love to have a couple cold beers/drinks when watching the games. It's the amount of sugar that is in the alcohol that causes the weight gain. Some alcohols have more some less. You really need to research your alcohols to see what would be the best. Here is a good article to read about alcohol content
    No, its the calories and the lack of diet adherence when under the influence . Also, the alcohol is the preferred fuel source when ingested, putting carbs, fats and proteins in the back seat while your body rids itself of the alcohol.

    ^ Thank you for this - finally the preferred fuel source explanation I've been waiting to see.

    But it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if your still in a deficit.

    If you don't learn to fit a drink or two in while in a deficit - how will you know how to do it at your desired weight?

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    sjaplo wrote: »
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    JenWoo77 wrote: »
    Since NFL football started back up, my weight went up. I love to have a couple cold beers/drinks when watching the games. It's the amount of sugar that is in the alcohol that causes the weight gain. Some alcohols have more some less. You really need to research your alcohols to see what would be the best. Here is a good article to read about alcohol content
    No, its the calories and the lack of diet adherence when under the influence . Also, the alcohol is the preferred fuel source when ingested, putting carbs, fats and proteins in the back seat while your body rids itself of the alcohol.

    ^ Thank you for this - finally the preferred fuel source explanation I've been waiting to see.

    But it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if your still in a deficit.

    If you don't learn to fit a drink or two in while in a deficit - how will you know how to do it at your desired weight?

    Touche there. Well I have stop drinking like before although I do miss those days sometimes. I never understood how people went out and only had one of two drinks. I have finally got there or I choose to not drink at all.

  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I stick with vodka martinis with olives. Dry, savory, and it takes me awhile to enjoy one and they pack a good buzz. I have 1-2 and count them and it doesn't derail me. Stay away from mixed cocktails and rum, and keep in mind that alcohol can lower your inhibitions around food too. Good luck!
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks for the advice :) I feel like the 'fake' drinks might be the way forward. At least on the random Thursday night work drinks, there's no need for the hangover on Friday!

    Are you drinking with a meal? I can nurse one glass of wine through an entire meal. If you are attending events without dinner, I'd advise a healthy dinner beforehand rather than showing up hungry. It's easy to knock back 3 drinks on an empty stomach after you've been working all day. Not so easy if you are full. This will also slow the absoroption of alcohol which will help you make better choices. My secret drink? A white wine spritzer. 2 drinks = the calories of 1 drink. Just make sure you are clear with the bartender that you want half wine and half seltzer.
  • TrolleyRide
    TrolleyRide Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there

    I'm 99% sure my weight gain is down to alcohol - directly or indirectly.

    The drink has loads of calories, I eat when I'm drunk and then eat terribly the next day when I'm hungover.

    I work in media so drinking is very much part of the culture and my boyfriend works in pub management so there's always temptation to have a glass of wine (or three).

    Does anyone have any tips for cutting down on drinking?


    My mom cuts her wine in half with soda water. It's actually not bad, and for 50-60 cals a glass you can't go wrong.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member


    My secret drink? A white wine spritzer. 2 drinks = the calories of 1 drink. Just make sure you are clear with the bartender that you want half wine and half seltzer.[/quote]

    This works well for me. Then, if you really want the second drink, you're having the second half of a glass of wine. I found recently that drinking dark, winter beer works well for me. (I love beer...) They're heavy and I drink them slower. Once it's done, I am usually too full for another.

  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I have learned to cut back a whole lot. I would have a couple bottles of wine a week. Now I have only one throughout the entire week. I do have moments where I tend to go to happy hour day after day after day and that messes me up. I now try to order drinks I can count and make fit. You have to know your limits and what you can and cannot handle. If you can manage to stick with the low cal or skinny drinks and make them fit, then perfect. If you know that is something you just cannot do, then cut it out for a while until you can stick to your limitations.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    edited November 2014
    I work in lobbying/PR so drinking is a big part of my job as well, I will often fix myself what I call a "faux-mosa", it's just sparkling water and a teeny splash of juice. It looks like an alcoholic beverage so you don't have to be obvious about it and subject yourself to pressure from others plus it keeps me hydrated! Come up with some super low-cal drink options like this to help "keep up appearances" while not ebbing away at your efforts. I've found that most bartenders are very nice and discreet when it comes to these requests as well.
    I hardly drink at all anymore, and very few people know that ;)
  • eatliveplay
    eatliveplay Posts: 24 Member
    I stopped drinking alcohol nearly 3 weeks ago and I had not one non drinking friend until recently. The support they can give you really helps. My entire social life revolved around drinks so the first time I went out to an event was a huge adjustment. It was uncomfortable and I just wanted to leave and go home after an hour but I stayed on and actually had a lot of fun!

    It helps to know for yourself why you are making a particular choice. No one has to know but when people question you, you tend to question yourself in turn and having firm beliefs will give you strength. With all that it encourages you to try different activities and expand new friendships. Another vote for soda/mineral water, ice and lime wedge.
  • LaurenJB2014
    LaurenJB2014 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks again for the tips - I'm glad I'm not the only one! I think I'll start drinking something I don't like that much... Like g&t should slow me down, it's too easy to knock back a glass of wine!