Ladies - show me your belly!

Oh girls, I am stuck in a rut!

I lost a good bit of weight over the past year (around 21lb)
I was never overally big to start with, only slightly overweight so this was enough for me.
I now hover around the 126lb mark which I am OK with as it's a great weight for my height.
However, no matter what I seem to do I can never shift the belly fat.
It's the bain of my life, I am so self conscious about it and it's really getting me down.

Now, before anyone points out - I KNOW you cannot really 'spot-reduce' certain areas but surely there are certain things I could be doing to maximise weight loss/toning in this area?

Basically I'm looking for other ladies that have had this problem and successfully beaten it - what worked for you? Did you find there were certain foods that helped, either by cutting them out of or adding to your daily diet?
And of course, what exercises would you recommend - I've heard it's all about the weights, is this how you done it and if so, what kind of routine did you start with?

I would love to see some pictures too if you have some.
I'm not looking for super toned 6 packs, just nice flat tummies :smile:
Thanks girls


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