I need to resume my excercise/ healthy eating regime help..

I had lost 40# with diet, excercise and the herbalife program.

The month before my wedding I started to stress eat and wasn't able to work out like I should've and then we took a cruise. Anyone who has been on a cruise knows there is tons of food all over the place at all times. I think (actually I know) I have gain weight back. I was a comfortable size 12 jeans and now I am a 14 again. I have no idea what I weigh and honestly I am afraid to know.

I know I need to work out too but lately there have been so many changes in my life it is hard to make the time to go to the gym. Or I get ready to go after work and realise I have forgotten my shoes.

I would like to resume my goal of reaching 150#. I just can't seem to find a place to start.

I did get up and go to the gym before work one day and the muscle fatigue was terrible I am a private duty nurse and to stand on my legs after being on the eliptical for 30 min about did me in. Usually I have no problems. I'm not sure what I did wronge that day.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member

    I keep a full set of workout gear at the office (including shoes - I actually keep the pair that are just about due to be retired there since they're really my emergency backup/no excuses shoes ;) and one ready to go in my gym bag. I keep an extra pair of socks in both places because that's the other piece of my kit that I would randomly forget to prep.

    Regardless of the exercise, just watch your diet. Pre-plan your food for the next day, make sure you have healthy snacks available, rid your environment of the foods you don't want to be eating, weigh your food, and log what you eat. Then eat at a deficit.

    That should pretty much cover it :)