190 pounds to lose!! Ugh!



  • likethe309
    likethe309 Posts: 26
    Good luck on your journey! Its hard work, but it can and will happen for you!
  • kburrows82
    kburrows82 Posts: 49 Member
    You can do it!!! I am a mother of a 5 year old and I quite smoking when he was about 3 years old. It is a great thing to be doing while he is still young. I am 5'8 and 328 I have lost 11 lbs in past 3 months..... Some times it is slow progress just remember that you can do it and keep trying. Slow and steady wins the race :) If you would like feel free to add me I do my best to help people with support :flowerforyou:
  • daisygettinghealthy
    daisygettinghealthy Posts: 48 Member
    your such a beautiful woman! break it down into smalll chunk of maybe 10 pounds at a time. excersize is defianetly the biggest help and of course eating healthy. im sure you'll get there!!
  • I wish u the best of luck with the weight lose and to continue to not smoke because u are doing a great job so far. I am also doing this not to be more heathier or better looking but I want my kids to have me around when they start having kids of their own.
  • writer_chick
    writer_chick Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! :) I agree with the suggestion of mini-goals. It'll definitely help keep you sane. I also am currently not focusing on the scale. I've been so sedentary and unhealthy for so long that I'm trying to concentrate on NSVs (non-scale victories) like not being out of breath doing something I couldn't do before or having more energy during the day (easily one of my most favorite side effects of being healthy!). I also encourage you to reward yourself for NSVs like being active for one week straight or eating healthy for a certain amount of days. :) Treating it as a longterm lifestyle rather than counting every calorie and watching the scale is what's working for me so far. We can do it! Hugs!