So Hungry

I feel like I've eaten too much today, yet I'm still so hungry, which is always the case during the week as I'm in school. Is there any way I can either decrease my appetite, or find foods that will satisfy me without going over my goals? My food diary is open for anyone who can give me advice.


  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    Burn more so you can eat more? I'm no nutritionist but your diary looks pretty good / healthy. I would be hungry eating so little meat though, but some aren't big meat eaters. I'd say throw more lean meat in there to fill you up or work out more to allow yourself more calories. Good luck
  • karenconey98
    I'm pescetarian, so meat is unfortunately out of the question :/ But thank you for replying :)
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Going a little heavy on the fat and protein will fill you up.
    Also, if there is a specific time of day when you feel hungry (late night, for example), then make sure you have calories left over so you can eat then.
    It doesn't work for everyone, but I find that I'm less prone to feeling hungry / cravings if I eat whenever I'm hungry, instead of 'at lunchtime' or other stipulated meal times.
  • JLCrunch
    JLCrunch Posts: 46 Member
    Burn more so you can eat more? I'm no nutritionist but your diary looks pretty good / healthy. I would be hungry eating so little meat though, but some aren't big meat eaters. I'd say throw more lean meat in there to fill you up or work out more to allow yourself more calories. Good luck

    This. Also increasing your fiber and overall protein intake will assist as well.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    School as in college? If so, try drinking more water during the day when you feel hungry so that you can save some calories for later.
  • karenconey98
    Going a little heavy on the fat and protein will fill you up.
    Also, if there is a specific time of day when you feel hungry (late night, for example), then make sure you have calories left over so you can eat then.
    It doesn't work for everyone, but I find that I'm less prone to feeling hungry / cravings if I eat whenever I'm hungry, instead of 'at lunchtime' or other stipulated meal times.

    Thanks for your reply :) I feel mainly hungry during school and before and after dinner. The problem is that eating any more food always exceeds one of my goals, and I feel that they're a little too generous in the first place. It doesn't make sense that eating so that I'm not hungry is overeating, but seeing the amount of calories that everyone else eats my height causes me to second guess myself.
  • karenconey98
    elphie754 wrote: »
    School as in college? If so, try drinking more water during the day when you feel hungry so that you can save some calories for later.

    No, secondary school/college. Yes, I try to do that :)
  • karenconey98
    Is it tummy grumbling hungry?
    Protein helps fill me up. Maybe add a little more protein. If you're finding you're still hungry. I also add Metamucil to my day which fills me up too.

    Another thing you can try is having a glass of water with every meal and when you're hungry have a glass of water then see if you're still hungry 20mins later. =)

    Pretty much. When I had dinner it eased off but I still had a faint feeling of hunger which usually continues to steadily increase.

  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I recognize this. What helped for me, was increasing my water intake. I wasn't drinking enough and oddly enough, your body can confuse being hungry with being thirsty. Other than that, like the others said.. Perhaps a bit more protein. You seem to be relying on fruit a lot but I don't think it will you up that much. Maybe try apple with peanut butter for example?

    I had these craving days as well, and eating more fruits of veggies didn't do it for me. What helped, was eating something with a bit more fat in it. Like some cheese, or meat.

    Anyways, if you are actually hungry, do eat! Listen to your body :) Just stay away from junk food and high processed, sugary foods.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for your reply :) I feel mainly hungry during school and before and after dinner. The problem is that eating any more food always exceeds one of my goals, and I feel that they're a little too generous in the first place. It doesn't make sense that eating so that I'm not hungry is overeating, but seeing the amount of calories that everyone else eats my height causes me to second guess myself.
    Don't worry about the individual macro targets so much. You can tweak them to fit what you want, if you feel they are a bit "off". Personally, I eat much more protein and fat and a lot less carbs than MFP's defaults, so I adjusted them to suit me.

    Might I ask how many calories you are eating every day? Is it possible that your calorie goal is too aggressive?
  • karenconey98
    I recognize this. What helped for me, was increasing my water intake. I wasn't drinking enough and oddly enough, your body can confuse being hungry with being thirsty. Other than that, like the others said.. Perhaps a bit more protein. You seem to be relying on fruit a lot but I don't think it will you up that much. Maybe try apple with peanut butter for example?

    I had these craving days as well, and eating more fruits of veggies didn't do it for me. What helped, was eating something with a bit more fat in it. Like some cheese, or meat.

    Anyways, if you are actually hungry, do eat! Listen to your body :) Just stay away from junk food and high processed, sugary foods.

    I drink around 2l of water per day, but I guess I could spread it out a bit more as I usually just chug it all down at night. I would eat more, but I guess all of those 1200 calorie diets really just screwed up my mentality :/
  • karenconey98
    SueInAz wrote: »
    Thanks for your reply :) I feel mainly hungry during school and before and after dinner. The problem is that eating any more food always exceeds one of my goals, and I feel that they're a little too generous in the first place. It doesn't make sense that eating so that I'm not hungry is overeating, but seeing the amount of calories that everyone else eats my height causes me to second guess myself.
    Don't worry about the individual macro targets so much. You can tweak them to fit what you want, if you feel they are a bit "off". Personally, I eat much more protein and fat and a lot less carbs than MFP's defaults, so I adjusted them to suit me.

    Might I ask how many calories you are eating every day? Is it possible that your calorie goal is too aggressive?

    To maintain I'm supposed to eat 1600 (I want to burn fat and gain muscle). On weekends it's really easy for me to have 1500, but I'd be left starving during the week.
    Due to exercise I was able to eat 1800 today but ended up eating 1750. I feel like I could have eaten more though due to underestimating.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Did MFP generate the 1600? Focus on alternative sources of protein, dietary fat, and fiber. Trying populating your diary ahead of time to make sure you hit your nutrients level.
  • karenconey98
    Branstin wrote: »
    Did MFP generate the 1600? Focus on alternative sources of protein, dietary fat, and fiber. Trying populating your diary ahead of time to make sure you hit your nutrients level.

    Yeah, I'm 5"1 so 1600 is to maintain my weight whilst being lightly active.

  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Water is a good trick, but definitely balancing the protein with the carbs in each meal. Perhaps you have a tendency to have a lower blood sugar after breakfast (very few proteins, but high carbs) and dinner (again same issue). How did you feel an hour after lunch? If you were still hungry, then perhaps the water is the issue. Your brain gives those hunger signals if your blood sugar dips too low and without the protein to balance out your spikes and troughs, and when it needs water. Try the water first, then try rounding out each of your meals somehow.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Looking at your diary, (just a day) and noting cereal for breakfast- for me, that would trigger extra hunger all day as well. I recently switched to a bigger breakfast with a mix of protein and carbs (eggs and hash browns usually, my fave) and it's *really* helped as far as feeling like I'm putting enough in my belly throughout the day. I'm able to eat smaller dinners and just a small snack afterwards and no feelings of empty tummy, no growling going on. YMMV of course but just an idea :)
  • karenconey98
    wkwebby wrote: »
    Water is a good trick, but definitely balancing the protein with the carbs in each meal. Perhaps you have a tendency to have a lower blood sugar after breakfast (very few proteins, but high carbs) and dinner (again same issue). How did you feel an hour after lunch? If you were still hungry, then perhaps the water is the issue. Your brain gives those hunger signals if your blood sugar dips too low and without the protein to balance out your spikes and troughs, and when it needs water. Try the water first, then try rounding out each of your meals somehow.

    An hour after lunch hungry; all I have is fruit. It's just hard to have protein in school as most foods have to be cooked.
  • karenconey98
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Looking at your diary, (just a day) and noting cereal for breakfast- for me, that would trigger extra hunger all day as well. I recently switched to a bigger breakfast with a mix of protein and carbs (eggs and hash browns usually, my fave) and it's *really* helped as far as feeling like I'm putting enough in my belly throughout the day. I'm able to eat smaller dinners and just a small snack afterwards and no feelings of empty tummy, no growling going on. YMMV of course but just an idea :)

    That's interesting; I might try having a different breakfast.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Snacks could also be nuts or celery (fats, or fiber there). I was going to suggest eggs, but realized you're a pescatarian. Is there any vegan cheese snacks that you can nibble on?

    Also, just a thought, but try fruits with lower amounts of sugar in them for snacks. This would be bananas (lots of cals though), apples, blueberries (or any other more sour fruits). These will not spike your blood sugar as much. I also have the problem of being hungrier during the day if I start off the day with a high carb breakfast (but I'm prediabetic so my blood sugar can be more sensitive).
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited November 2014
    Took a fast look at just 3 or 4 days and noticed a couple of things ...
    Your breakfast is too light. Get rid of the cereal and cold 'milk', try to get about 1/3 of your calories at breakfast ... but not very high on carbs, maybe 45 grams

    You are using up a lot of food value with that popcorn ... you'd do better to bulk up lunch with a bit more food ... like that snack apple or banana, or some milk along with the plate of food.

    You eat some nuts every day ... that's good, but remember that about 1/4 cup or 1 handful is all you need in a day. I find walnuts fill me up better than almonds. But almond buter and some celery or sweet bell peppers is good too.

    If you have a big salad at lunch, you can use 2 cups of salad greens, a couple or thre raw mushrooms sliced up, some sliced radish, a few cherry tomatoes, a tablespoon of olives, some canneda and rinsed beans (black are great but garbanzo are also tasty), maybe some thinly sliced cerely, onion, some sliced cucumber ... and top it with that tuna or an egg ... and 1 tablespoon oli and 1 tablesppon vinegar drizzled over ... and if you figured out the calories in that and can still have some more food ... add a bit of whole wheat pita, maybe some milk ... and see how that feels.

    Good luck.

    oh ... and one more thing ... have you found out what your BMR is? That's your basal metabolic requirement ... you don't really want to go under that very often or your metabolism will surely slow down. It's recommended you verify that baseline calorie intake as you lose 10 or so pounds because it does drop as you weigh less and get older. (in NET calories on that BMR)