Marathoning Future! :)

Hi all! I am re-starting my fitness/weight loss/wellness journey. I was doing great a few years ago and then got married, had children, etc. and managed to reach my biggest weight of 264lbs (at 5'7)!

So far, through slight dieting and exercising from time to time, I've managed to lose my first 33lbs...but am ready to take things to the next notch and drop an additional 55 (to reach my first goal of 175lbs). I had started on an extremely restricted diet and an extremely tiring exercise regime and eventually got discouraged and stopped. So now, I am picking back up but doings things MUCH differently.

Instead of saying "My goal is to weight 175lbs or less"...I am making other goals where weight loss will accompany. I signed myself up for my first 5K run...and eventually plan on becoming a well-trained marathoner!

I am very excited about getting back on track with my health and plan on using MFP and all of you guys for motivation along the way!!
