Friendly mentor looking for friends & group members :)

Hello I'm Emmie!
I am simply looking for new fitness buddies to keep up with & help.
For the passed 6 years I have studied health, fitness, nutrition, & mental illnesses.
I have even created a group on here for people who suffer a or multiple mental illnesses & are trying to lose weight.
I call myself a mentor because I'm well educated (even though I learn new things everyday) & friends come to me for help.

Join my group if you are struggling with your weight while suffering any kind of mental disorder.
What we do: We post discussions related to mental health &/or losing weight & the active group members comment with supportive advice. NO NEGATIVITY or TROLLING.. that's why it's private :p If you're interested, when you go to join you have to tell why you want to join.. try to tell me your mental illness as well.

As for the friend adding, I'm extremely supportive & will give good advice when needed/asked for. You're not just another "friend" added, you will be part of my fit fam :D