Sister is jealous of my weight loss!?

My sister is also overweight. And I made a new comparison photo and she is sure I am staving myself to loose weight. And it really annoys me she doesn't understand how much hard work is being put into this! And when I mention anything about healthy eating or the gym she goes crazy at me. I just want to try motivate her to loose some weight too! What do I do? :(


  • lyndyloolaa
    lyndyloolaa Posts: 79 Member
    Hmm...doesn't sound like she's ready yet...give her some time and she might come around! She might not too though...she has to want it like you did/do and it totally sounds like she isn't there at the moment x
  • cynthiadmail
    cynthiadmail Posts: 90 Member
    You can lead the horse but you cant make em drink ....Shes got to want it for herself. Just do what your doing and when shes ready she will come to you or do it how she wants to. She might be shunning the info now but maybe after she gets that you feel better and have more energy She will come around. Just don't push her , I know growing up that's the one thing I hated and made me fight harder to not be the norm . Hard head people just have to get it on their own.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Keep doing your own thing. It's pretty much impossible to make a person do anything (unless you're willing/able to lob extreme punishments in that person's direction).
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I just want to try motivate her to loose some weight too! What do I do? :(

    Use MFP to brag and talk about weight loss.

    Don't bug your real life friends with it.
  • cicilya
    cicilya Posts: 4
    Some people dont like to see other people happy because they arent happy themselves. I have a girlfriend who is in the same situation....her sister is jealous of her weight loss. All you can do is continue to work har and maybe one day she will come around and want the same for herself. A person has to want to change, you cant force them.
    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Jealousy is an ugly *****! My sis-in-law hasn't seen me in months and I've dropped 20 pounds since seeing her last but she won't say anything nice about it. In fact, she made a bad comment about my skin (while everyone looked at her like she was crazy). Well, that's ok as I know that's her way of making herself feel better about herself. Sucks to be her! LOL!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I would have thought that she is just upset because your weightloss is highlighting her own weight issues in her mind and making her feel bad about herself because she hasn't owned up to it yet. But jealousy works too!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Nothing you can do except continue to set an example. Maybe she'll come around but maybe she won't. Unfortunately, forcing the issue or making an issue of it at all might just make her dig her heals in further. Just keep doing what you're doing; you look great!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I just want to try motivate her to loose some weight too! What do I do? :(

    Use MFP to brag and talk about weight loss.

    Don't bug your real life friends with it.

  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    I have one foot in that boat right now. my sister has been going thru her weight loss journey for 3 months now and she looks amazing! however is seems like shes rubbing it in my face everytime she posts a fitness photo of herself on facebook... everyday... what does she want a cookie?! I know she doesn't mean to, its just how it feels. sibling rivalry you know especially since I used to be the smaller sister haha. our circumstances are different tho. her weight came from eating bad and drinking a lot. mine came from eating bad and having 2 kids. my sister is shrinking as the days pass by and im still struggling to get rid of the baby pooch ive had for 4+ years... that's where my jealousy stems from.

    keep doing what you are doing. don't let your sister deter you from your path. she will eventually come around and realize "if he/she can get up off his/her lazy butt I can too!". don't just ask your sister to go to the gym with you. sensitive people hear that as "youre too fat, you need to exercise". ask her to be your workout buddy instead. tell her you need someone keep you company and to kick your butt when you start slacking off. take cues from her if she says things like "I wish I could... I cant do that... etc" shes looking for some kind of reassurance and possibly help from you. motivation comes about in the strangest of ways for some people.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    Just keep doing your thing. She's bound to ask how it's done sooner or later. And keep it real with her.
  • redrumxtina
    redrumxtina Posts: 10 Member
    she has to want this for herself. Do not push her. Her being jealous is the first step which means she wants to loose. Just keep doing your routine and do not compare yourself to her anymore and let her get up the courage to want to do it too.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Continue on your merry way and don't worry about it. IF and WHEN she comes to you for advice then gladly give it to her. Unless she is ready to make a change she will not do it. Don't pressure her, you will only drive her further away.

    Great job, btw!
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111

    keep doing what you are doing. don't let your sister deter you from your path. she will eventually come around and realize "if he/she can get up off his/her lazy butt I can too!". don't just ask your sister to go to the gym with you. sensitive people hear that as "youre too fat, you need to exercise". ask her to be your workout buddy instead. tell her you need someone keep you company and to kick your butt when you start slacking off. take cues from her if she says things like "I wish I could... I cant do that... etc" shes looking for some kind of reassurance and possibly help from you. motivation comes about in the strangest of ways for some people.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. She may also be afraid to believe that you are doing it without totally starving yourself. I was afraid for a long time that there was no hope for me short of surgery of some sort. I never believed that I could exercise longer than 5 minutes (it hurt), and I thought people would laugh at gyms etc... then I was motivated by a family member who I hadn't seen in years. She used to be about 100 lbs heavier than me at my heaviest and she is looking so awesome, she now plays softball and exercises all the time, yet works full time and still has time for her kids and time for relaxation. Sometimes it's just perspective and organizing everything as real in your mind. <3
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    As everyone else said, you simply can not help someone who isn't ready, no matter how hard you push or hope. Just keep doing your thing...don't rub it in, and when the time comes that she's ready and asks for your supportive!

    Brag away about your success on here, and be humble about it in real life. Weight is a very sensitive issue, and "misery loves company", so when someone who feels bad about themselves sees others like themselves succeed, that can be tough for them! Hopefully she'll be ready soon, and your achievements will be her motivation!

    Congrats on your losses!
  • I have lost 4 stone since I left school. Recently, both my best friend and I were at home. I used to spend all week at her house so I saw her parents a lot. I saw her mum this time and apparently after I left her Mum said I must have become annorexic to achieve it. I'm still fat though! I was very big before and I'm still flabby so it's not even like I look really thin. It's 3 years since we went our separate ways by the way, not 3 weeks or something crazy!
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Most people like this need to hit rock bottom with how they feel about themselves to make the change. Most of the people giving me a hard time about my lifestyle ended up coming to me for help later. Let her be, and know you are doing amazing in your goals, and she will come to you when she is ready. Don't waste your breath, save it for a good workout. hehe.