expectations vs reality (of goal weight)

An odd one, but does anyone feel a little worried about hitting goal weight and not liking the body you got, or for those who have hit their goal how look did it take to get used to your new body.


    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    Yeah! Like...what if my thunder thighs are just part of my genetics. GAHG! I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.
  • sophieburningham
    sophieburningham Posts: 56 Member
    I feel like that, I've always been big so it's a bit scary thinking about what I'll look like when I'm thinner. I want to keep the shape my body has just, thinner. I have an hourglass figure so I'd love to keep that when I get smaller.

    I guess it's a bridge to cross when it happens, in the end we're losing weight to be healthier
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    Yes. I have no expectations of having a perfect tight body by the end and I know that I'll still be infinitely happier and healthier at goal.. I just know I won't be 'in love' with my body, hopefully I'll just hate it a bit less.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    Yeah! Like...what if my thunder thighs are just part of my genetics. GAHG! I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.

    this is something im concerned about as well, weight lost all in good places tummy, waist,hips, bum but almost nothing off the thighs. i don't want chunky monkey thighs but maybe they'll go as more weight comes off or as more weight comes off they start to look better.
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    I feel like that, I've always been big so it's a bit scary thinking about what I'll look like when I'm thinner. I want to keep the shape my body has just, thinner. I have an hourglass figure so I'd love to keep that when I get smaller.

    I guess it's a bridge to cross when it happens, in the end we're losing weight to be healthier

    defintely true, I'm rather be strong and like a rockstar. then overwight and weak. but I know what you mean I dont know what my body will look like when Im at goal weight but im also thinking it cant be worse than what looks back in the mirror now right
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    Yes. I have no expectations of having a perfect tight body by the end and I know that I'll still be infinitely happier and healthier at goal.. I just know I won't be 'in love' with my body, hopefully I'll just hate it a bit less.

    same hope here, to feel ok in a dress is better than feeling awful in one
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    As soon as I got about 5lbs from my goal weight I realised it wasn't a weight I desired but a look, which was to have defined stomach, trim legs and a little arm muscle.
    Since I've started trying to develop that, I've lost the additional 5lbs and hit my goal weigh but still haven't hit my ideal physique yet... so I definitely think you can get to your goal weight and not be happy with what you see.

    I think goal weights are great if you have over 10lbs to lose. It motivates you and gives you something to focus on. But I think most of the time it's only half the battle.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Nobody is perfect. Do the best you can. That's really all you can ask...even of yourself.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    An odd one, but does anyone feel a little worried about hitting goal weight and not liking the body you got, or for those who have hit their goal how look did it take to get used to your new body.

    Hit my goal weight in March and it was very anti-climatic. After months of focusing so much on losing the weight, it was unsettling to be at goal and not really know what to do next. Body wise-I was happy with how I looked, but I definitely didn't have my dream body yet.

    Since then I've started walking and doing Mark Lauren's strength training program. I also have lost around 10 more pounds from my goal weight. I've technically been in maintenance for three months and I can finally say that I love how my body looks, and now I'm very happy with everything :) I still have moments though, where I can't believe I've come this far-last night walking into a store I saw my reflection in the glass doors and I was like, 'whoah-that's me?!' My husband thinks I'm a nut lol.

    eta: as for chunky thighs-I'm very pear shaped and at my goal weight I still had oomph in my thigh area. I started briskly walking 10-12 miles a week (in 2 mile a day increments) and started Mark Lauren's strength training program, laid out in his book Body By You. In three months time my calves, thighs and bum have totally changed. When I hit goal, I was wearing a size 6 jean. I'm now wearing size 4 jeans/size 2 skirts and shorts. Last October, before I started losing weight I was wearing size 14 jeans. I still have a bit of extra on the outside of my thigh area, but I know after more walking and strength training it will either be gone or transition to muscle :)
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I've hit my GW about 2 months ago, but I'm still not at my ideal body. I didn't work out during the weight loss process and now I have a lot to catch up in terms of fitness/toning/building muscles. I hope no one else does the same mistake as me because it's a big difference between the scale and the mirror.
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    I know exactly what you mean. I don't even have a true goal weight yet; I'm just trying to get down to my maximum desired weight/a normal BMI. When I reach that, I'll focus more attention on body fat% and determine my real goal weight. Since I'm pear-shaped and losing inches mostly true to that proportion, there's no telling what I may have to prop up (lol), snap down, or build up by then. Whatever the case, I'll be grateful because I know it will be wayyyyyyyyy better than now.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    My goal weight is more of a look than an actual number, which is why I plan on reevaluating it once I get within 2kg or so of my goal.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Goal weight is just an arbitrary number. When I was 145lb I had no idea what my body would be like at 125lb, I just choose that because it was a nice round number and I thought 20lb weight loss before summmer would be a realistic goal.

    I'm almost at my goal weight but no where near my goal body. When I hit "goal weight" then body fat recomposition starts because I still have wobbly bits that need to disappear. I'll do whatever it takes to get to that.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    The number on the scale is just an estimate. Getting to my goal weight gave me a body I liked, but not one I was satisfied with. Strength training has resulted in that scale number going up a bit but my body looking dramatically better. Don't get hung up on the scale; body fat %, measurements, and your overall appearance are much better indicators of your progress.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Agree that my goal is about looks, not weight. I did have a goal weight in mind initially, but I abandoned it a long time ago because I realized that weight is not as important as body composition in terms of appearance.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I say: when you near your goal, go by the mirror, not the scale. I weigh more now then my GW, and I am slimmer than my goal. This will determine your tone/tightness/desired bodyfat and muscle goals over what the scale will. Or start measuring.
  • luckyshilling
    luckyshilling Posts: 229
    I don't have a goal weight. I have goal measurements and goal pants. Cuz I don't really know what weight to shoot for with the strength I am trying to build.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Losing weight or maintaining it is a lot of work and I think that some people do develop fantasies of what they're going to look like, only to be disappointed. Not everyone has the genes to look like a fitness model, not matter how hard s/he tries. But almost everyone will look better.

    It's important to have a holistic approach, focusing on all the benefits of weight loss: spiritual, psychological, health-related, performance-related, in addition to physical improvement.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I was a bit unhappy with my shrinking butt, but then I started going to the gym... :) no worries anymoarrr
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I was and then I started lifting. At first I thought the number on the scale was the end all, be all. Once I hit 90 pounds lost I realized that with about 10 pounds left to lose I wasn't anywhere near the body I wanted. I was going to hit my goal weight and still not be happy with my body. Now I'm going through a body recomposition - shedding body fat and building muslce - rather than losing weight. I'm much happier, faster, stronger, my clothes fit better even if I'm not 115. I hit 121 pounds twice -once in September 2013 and earlier this month. The second time around I'm much happier!