Best Wifi Smart Scale - Fitbit vs Withings

So for the last year I've been using a Fitbit Aria, and one of my best friends uses a Withings WS-50. His gf has a Ws-30 ... so we sat around swapping stories and checking out two of the three scales the other day. I got to thinking I should add a quick review to my blog, so I did here:

Bottom line... when I got my Fitbit Aria, I also bought a Fitbit Flex at the time. It seemed to make good sense to have it all match. But now that I know what I've learned, if I had to do it all again, the WS-30 from Withings would win my vote. Best "bang for the buck" overall ... not too expensive, and still feature-rich. Ciao!


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Nice review! I especially like it because after wanting one of these for years I finally decided on the WS-30 for myself, a few weeks ago. I love it. I paid around $80 for it, from Bed, Bath & Beyond with a 20% off coupon.

    Before I bought the WS-30 I tried the $60 (with coupon) LoseIt Healthometer bluetooth scale. I didn't like that the app needed to be open on my phone to sync, and it couldn't tell me from my daughter who weighs 30lbs. less. And the BF% readings were crazy.

    Just as an aside, Withings used to build the Fitbit Aria and the same manufacturer still might make both, I'm not sure.

    And I asked Fitbit if they would continue to allow Withings scale weight synching and they said they weren't sure for how long. Mine does sync to Fitbit, which I'm glad about because I'm using Trendweight which gets the info from Fitbit, but Fitbit doesn't even list Withings as an app partner, so it might be going away. Hopefully existing linked users will get to keep their link, though. LoseIt used to link to Fitbit but now charges for that, but existing linked users were grandfathered in.