Using both a HRM and Jawbone up - am I double dipping

I use the Jawbone Up and its synced with MFP. I also have a HRM and use Icardio that is also synced with MFP. I use the Icardio to log my walk everyday and it gives me 294 calories but I also get 280 calories from the UP calorie adjustment on the same day. Is this correct or am I double dipping. I average about 12,00 to 14,000 steps a day with the UP. On the walk I average about 2.75 miles per day. Should I erase one of the added calories? Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Easy way to tell:
    Log onto Jawbone
    See if it has your walk data transfered from MFP
    Make sure the walk is on Jawbone at the correct time and for the correct duration

    ^if all that checks out, then you are not double dipping.

    (this post is provided that the interaction between fitbit/MFP is the same as Jawbone/MFP...hopefully a jawbone user will correct me if I'm wrong)
  • amaclean61
    amaclean61 Posts: 11 Member
    thanks for the information