Hi! Tall, motivated girl needing friends on here

Hi all!

Not exactly new (I come and go) but this time I really really have to stay until I reach my goal. I put off weighing myself and ate like a pig and now find myself at my heaviest weight :( 11stone 8! I am 5'10 so this is still healthy but I would be much more comfortable around the 10 stone mark. Anybody with similar goals/positive people add me please so we can support each other.



  • Hi Megan,

    watch your calories and exercise! And make sure to eat health food (calories alone don't tell everything) You'll be in no time on your goal, for sure B) Look at what you want to achieve, don't at where you are now!

    Go for it!
  • Megan462
    Megan462 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Jurgen! My gym card is forever staring at me so I have no excuse
  • Just added you!
  • Im 6' and tall girls are awesomee
  • Sarahkoolkatkitty
    Sarahkoolkatkitty Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'10" and I'm happy to have more tall friends! I'll invite you!