Deadlifts on which day?



  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I feel like I'm doing it wrong after reading all these. I have a day for hamstrings, focusing on deadlifts, a day for quads with squats, then back/tri, and chest/bi. Ugh. I will never figure this out.

    Some people split hams/glutes and quads into different days - 2 leg days is better than one! But yea I find chest/tri back/bi to be better because its a push/pull split

  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    I do chest/tri, back/bi, legs/shoulders for my split - it's pretty generic I thought

    I just meant that if you have to ask which day to put deads, you may benefit more from a predesigned program :)

    I gotcha:)
    some people do it on back and others on leg day, and others twice a week like irishman213. Ill have to test it out and see what works best

    I agree re: SLDL on leg day and regular deads on back day, though. If you're squatting heavy on leg day, you probably won't have the energy for nice heavy conventional deads.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I feel like I'm doing it wrong after reading all these. I have a day for hamstrings, focusing on deadlifts, a day for quads with squats, then back/tri, and chest/bi. Ugh. I will never figure this out.

    Pro tip: you don't really need to figure it out. Pick one of the proven training programs out there (there are many) and run with it. There are enough programs, spreadsheets and apps out there that you can literally apply zero brain power. The programs will tell you what exercise to do, when to do it, how often to do it, and what weight to use. We meatheads don't have much for brains so these programs make it easy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I feel like I'm doing it wrong after reading all these. I have a day for hamstrings, focusing on deadlifts, a day for quads with squats, then back/tri, and chest/bi. Ugh. I will never figure this out.

    Pro tip: you don't really need to figure it out. Pick one of the proven training programs out there (there are many) and run with it. There are enough programs, spreadsheets and apps out there that you can literally apply zero brain power. The programs will tell you what exercise to do, when to do it, how often to do it, and what weight to use. We meatheads don't have much for brains so these programs make it easy.


    to much other stuff to sweat out- pick something and rock it out.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    edited November 2014
    arditarose wrote: »
    back/tri and chest/bi? Switch that to back/bi and chest/tri if you are doing that split

    That's what I thought...I don't know why my trainer set it that way.

    Actually, the Triceps are going to be an antagonist muscle in upper back exercises and the biceps are going to be antagonists and any pressing exercise. That's not the typical way of setting up a split like that, but it's not bad as it sounds. It's not uncommon to see Chest and Back paired together because the exercises can be supersetted due to the agonist & antagonist relationship between the muscle groups. There are many ways to skin-a-cat, some ways are just better than others.

    But I agree with DopeItUp and Jo, you're not ready to put together your own plan and should use something that's already created and proven. :)
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    With only 3 days, there isn't really a good day to dead. You're going to either have to not so some exercises or do 2-3 diff muscle groups on one day.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    edited November 2014
    With only 3 days, there isn't really a good day to dead. You're going to either have to not so some exercises or do 2-3 diff muscle groups on one day.

    I kind of agree with that. If you only have 3 days and you want to DL, then you'll need to change your training structure to a more full-body approach. Or... the original "Westside for Skinny Bas-tards" (Joe DeFranco) is a 3-day split and it's a very very simplified version of conjugate; it doesn't involve chains or any craziness and very easy to follow. That's probably the only other way to really work it in like you want.

    Edit: I had to hyphenate *kitten* because apparently it's a bad word on MFP.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I do a 4 day split and do dead lifts of some sort 3 times in the split.
    Leg day and Booty/ab day - Straight leg and Single Legged
    Full body day - Deadlift Rows
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    back/tri and chest/bi? Switch that to back/bi and chest/tri if you are doing that split

    That's what I thought...I don't know why my trainer set it that way.

    Actually, the Triceps are going to be an antagonist muscle in upper back exercises and the biceps are going to be antagonists and any pressing exercise. That's not the typical way of setting up a split like that, but it's not bad as it sounds. It's not uncommon to see Chest and Back paired together because the exercises can be supersetted due to the agonist & antagonist relationship between the muscle groups. There are many ways to skin-a-cat, some ways are just better than others.

    But I agree with DopeItUp and Jo, you're not ready to put together your own plan and should use something that's already created and proven. :)

    I totally didn't think of that because the only splits I have done are 4 day upper/lower. I currently am doing 3 day full body in both the full body and the split I supersetted back and chest all the time