Looking for some Ideas

lovall Posts: 4 Member
edited November 2023 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi - hopefully this is okay in here. If not, then mods please move/delete.

I'm a trainer myself and I want to create a free ebook in the near future to give out some quality content and advice for those looking to lose weight.

I'm having a struggle on setting the content focus for the ebook, so could really do with some input from those 'in the trenches'.

The focus of this ebook will be exercise. The target is those who are fairly new to exercise, fairly short on time and want to learn how to build a workout and what/why is best.

What would you most like to see and read about?

What are your biggest problems/confusions?


- Tim


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I dunno, there are already 438756348765879234658723465876234856 books about that - what about yours sets it apart from others?
  • lovall
    lovall Posts: 4 Member
    That's what I'm working on. The market is saturated. It's something I want to use to draw people into my community.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    You are a trainer apparently, have you tried asking your clients? I'd survey and interveiw them who have had made appointments with you and then only to have not show up because of those time constraints.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Well what about YOU id different. Do you have a new perspective that you could lend to your writing? If you have the same perspective as everyone else, and you want to write about the exact same thing that everyone else has written about - you need to have something different.

    If you are going to be a successful writer, that 'different' has to grow from inside of you. Otherwise you are just asking other people if you can write about about their ideas, ya know?

    You wanna write? You have to have a message.

    What is your message? What idea is at the root?

    Without this, you don't have ground to stand on yet.
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