Feeling hungry

CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
Hi - as of yesterday recommitted myself to finally getting everything back on track.

Im now counting 1400 calories a day (after 4 years doing S World) and im finding that im hungry at times - and ive a good breakfast.

On S World I would have ate a whole cartful of fruit before lunch to keep me going but looking calorie wise this won't be too great.

I know fruit is good cals and sugars but do I wait this out as my body adjusting? I tried 1200 cals the last 3 weeks but found was too hungry and needed more.

Any tips?


  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    try experimenting with what works for you - that's what i do. I find that proteins keep me from getting hungry (but of course, for others it may be carbs or complex carbs etc). see what works - maybe adding a few slices of cheese? a cup of cottage cheese? a few slices of homemade roast chicken/turkey? hard boiled egg?

    Or maybe a peanut butter sandwich - or peanut butter or hummus on crackers or celery.

    Yogurt - I like the 3% plain (no sugar added). THey're great frozen or semi-frozen (plus it takes longer to eat!)

    any of these work for you?
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    What's in a typical breakfast for you? I'd make sure it has a decent serve of protein as it'll keep you feeling more satisfied. An omelette filled with vegetables should keep your tummy happy for hours :)
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    I have weetabix x2 with milk when into work and snack on apples and banana before lunch. I couldn't face cooking food in morning as not a morning person so happy with weetabix - its just the 11-12am time where im grumbling for more after having 2 apples and banana!

    SWorld i just shoved it all into me and it worked - I lost 6 stone. Now im doing calories and gym work to tone and shift last wee bit. I had measured a typical SW day for me and it was 1800-2000!

    Im a short girl so I know I don't need that many cals and work off between 500-700 a night in gym.

    Just used to SW where your never hungry to tummy rumbling due to less carbs.
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    I've been trying polo mints. whenever I feel a wee craving for food and it's not quite meal/snack time i'll pop a polo mint in my mouth. Not only keeping mu mouth busy but also I don't like the taste of foods after having a mint/brushing teeth so it puts me off eating for a while.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I have weetabix x2 with milk when into work and snack on apples and banana before lunch. I couldn't face cooking food in morning as not a morning person so happy with weetabix - its just the 11-12am time where im grumbling for more after having 2 apples and banana!

    SWorld i just shoved it all into me and it worked - I lost 6 stone. Now im doing calories and gym work to tone and shift last wee bit. I had measured a typical SW day for me and it was 1800-2000!

    Im a short girl so I know I don't need that many cals and work off between 500-700 a night in gym.

    Just used to SW where your never hungry to tummy rumbling due to less carbs.
    Just a thought - if you were losing before on 1800-2000, why not take it back up to that? One of the biggest problems with Slimming World for some people is that you can have unlimited quantities of certain things. That obviously hasn't been a problem for you since you lost 6 stone on it.

    Also, by no means do you have to do low carb to lose weight, but if you were less hungry with the way you were eating before, why not incorporate some/most of your former way of eating into your current one? Calorie counting is supposed to make things more flexible, not less!

    If you're looking more at body composition now rather than a number on the scale, you might be better off with a smaller calorie deficit anyway.

    Apart from all that, I was just reading a really good article about keeping hunger at bay (this guy knows what he's talking about): http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/9-ways-to-deal-with-hunger-on-a-diet.html
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Just a thought - if you were losing before on 1800-2000, why not take it back up to that? One of the biggest problems with Slimming World for some people is that you can have unlimited quantities of certain things. That obviously hasn't been a problem for you since you lost 6 stone on it.

    Also, by no means do you have to do low carb to lose weight, but if you were less hungry with the way you were eating before, why not incorporate some/most of your former way of eating into your current one? Calorie counting is supposed to make things more flexible, not less!

    If you're looking more at body composition now rather than a number on the scale, you might be better off with a smaller calorie deficit anyway.

    Apart from all that, I was just reading a really good article about keeping hunger at bay (this guy knows what he's talking about): http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/9-ways-to-deal-with-hunger-on-a-diet.html

    I started to reach a massive plateau and had to admit that I ate a lot of rice and pasta - I was advised to go without carbs or as little as possible for a few weeks and that changed everything.
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    I think you did great with slimming world! 1200 is wreckless it will keep you alive and miserable! Im 5 ft 2 and try to stick to 1600 a day spread out over 6 meals I walk and cycle alot and its working for me! you are doing fab 6 stone is mighty loss,well done!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I make my meals much smaller and include several snacks throughout the day. More or less, I eat three 300 calorie meals and three 100 calorie snacks.

    Also, I have found out that hunger, while annoying, doesn't kill me. At least, not yet, anyway.
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Sounds like you're not eating enough for sure.

    Also, your morning is just carbs and sugar? Try to figure out a way to add in some protein maybe? I find it helps. I will have some cheese as part of my snacks, or peanut butter, or a pepperoni stick or something. Or more milk, ,or a yogurt.
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks Julie - Im 5.2. I went up to 1400 from 1200 and going to try that a while.

    After 4 years at sworld im not doing scales but looking at inches.

    Also as been since march i weighed myself im scared to get weighed. Had rough few weeks where ate everything in sight and like a week or 2 of 'detoxing' as such before braving it.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    You need more protein and fiber. Drink LOTS of water and eat plenty of veggies. Those will all help. Your supposed to be a little hungry but not ravenous. Space out your meals, eat a healthy morning and afternoon snack. Also, make sure you NET 1400. Good luck!
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Sounds like you're not eating enough for sure.

    Also, your morning is just carbs and sugar? Try to figure out a way to add in some protein maybe? I find it helps. I will have some cheese as part of my snacks, or peanut butter, or a pepperoni stick or something. Or more milk, ,or a yogurt.

    Once ive had my few apples and a banana and other snacks im still low on calories. I tedn to project what im eating as have wee routine of eating at work. Brekkie soon as in - apples and fruit mid morn - lunch and then more fruit afternoon before heading onto gym and home.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    SWorld i just shoved it all into me and it worked - I lost 6 stone. Now im doing calories and gym work to tone and shift last wee bit. I had measured a typical SW day for me and it was 1800-2000!

    if yor lost 6 stone eating 1800-2000 cals why on earth are you restircting yourself to 1400?????
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    You need more protein and fiber. Drink LOTS of water and eat plenty of veggies. Those will all help. Your supposed to be a little hungry but not ravenous. Space out your meals, eat a healthy morning and afternoon snack. Also, make sure you NET 1400. Good luck!

    Im drinking more water - used to drink 3 litres a day but recently noticed I have hardly touched it. I love water but seem to just be avoiding it for some reason. Its a daily goal for me to drink so much to get back into the habit!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Definitley up from 1200- I was on it for a while and it did work, but I got hungry after a while too. I upped to 1500, then 1600, and am still losing. And I'm 5'3 :smile:
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member

    SWorld i just shoved it all into me and it worked - I lost 6 stone. Now im doing calories and gym work to tone and shift last wee bit. I had measured a typical SW day for me and it was 1800-2000!

    if yor lost 6 stone eating 1800-2000 cals why on earth are you restircting yourself to 1400?????

    Because I hit an 18 month plateau and wasn't shifting and that was not doing exercise apart from walking in evenings. I wanted to do gym to tone up and reshape as while lost weight I didn't look it in places - if makes sense.
  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    Definitley up from 1200- I was on it for a while and it did work, but I got hungry after a while too. I upped to 1500, then 1600, and am still losing. And I'm 5'3 :smile:

    I only liked 1200 as meant be strict with not having good wee 'treats' haha i see more cals - my mind sees it as more things to get under radar.

    May sound silly to some but im an emotional and thinker eater. I can't have one wee bit of choc - I need to cut it out. Which I don't mind and finding alternatives to treats like this - but i stil eat a whole packet in one sitting. Unfort this is part of my make up and rather just avoid as much as possible.

    I dont deprive myself but its just better for me in long run. Once i finally get to a nice shape I know I can manage these treats better as don't want to go back to where i was.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    SWorld i just shoved it all into me and it worked - I lost 6 stone. Now im doing calories and gym work to tone and shift last wee bit. I had measured a typical SW day for me and it was 1800-2000!

    if yor lost 6 stone eating 1800-2000 cals why on earth are you restircting yourself to 1400?????

    Because I hit an 18 month plateau and wasn't shifting and that was not doing exercise apart from walking in evenings. I wanted to do gym to tone up and reshape as while lost weight I didn't look it in places - if makes sense.

    so you're doing even MORE exercise, and eating even LESS... no that doesnt really make sense!

    you dont need a massive deficit to lose weight.... around 20% of your TDEE is sufficient.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    As I said - you should try more protein.

    have your breakfast then for your snack, add some cheese or yogurt with your fruit. or a few Tablespoon hummus/natural peanut butter. or skip the fruit and eat a small sandwich/crackers. try it for a few days and see if it works.