Binge after getting compliments?

I have no idea why, but it seems like I constantly do this. Every time someone tells me how good I'm looking - it's almost as if something in my head goes, "Well, you look good now, so help yourself!!"

I'm trying to overcome this crazy phenomenon. Does anyone else have a similar problem? I'll do well eating clean and being active for 3 months, people start complimenting me, I let myself go, gain weight back, and then have to start all over again. I think if I could just be consecutive for long enough then I can keep it together. Hahaha, or buy a t-shirt that says, "DO NOT TELL ME THAT I LOOK GOOD"


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Well, now you know your trigger, right? Don't let it stop you from enjoying positive feedback. You can still reward yourself, but find something else you enjoy instead of making it food related: get a massage, buy new gym clothes or shoes, or take an afternoon off just to read and relax, etc. Whatever appeals to you!
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    Happens to me, and probably everyone out there. I think it's because we believe this is a short term fix! "Once I look good, damn I can go back to doing what I was doing."

    You have to remember, the only reason you are where you are is because of your hard work, which will never end, but will become easier because it is part of who you are.

    So if someone tells you that your looking good, soak it in, get driven by it. Hell, go hit the buffet. Then come back to reality and think of how good it's going to be in 6 months when that same person tells you how "smoking hot" you are!
  • newjeanbean
    newjeanbean Posts: 30 Member
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the feedback! Hmm the massage does sound pretty tempting, maybe I'll do something like that! I wouldn't trust myself at a buffet, hahah :-D
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    something may still be causing you to see food as a reward for any progress.

    replace your reward system.

    someone compliments you? go gambling.

    I mean shopping.

    I mean GO WORKOUT! lolol
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Yep, this happened to me. For me personally, it was about the attention. I tended to wear my weight as a shield to keep people from noticing me. Losing the weight attracted attention and compliments made me want to put that shield back on.

    That's what it was for me. You'll have to figure out what it is for you. But I think that finding the reason behind it can help you to work through whatever it is that's causing you to binge.

    It sounds kind of silly, but try to pay attention to what you're feeling when you binge afterward. You might consider keeping a journal or adding notes to your food diary about what you're feeling when you eat. It can help to figure out where the binge tendencies are coming from so that you can work through them.
  • NoMoreYoYos
    NoMoreYoYos Posts: 17 Member
    Yep, this happened to me. For me personally, it was about the attention. I tended to wear my weight as a shield to keep people from noticing me. Losing the weight attracted attention and compliments made me want to put that shield back on.

    That's what it was for me. You'll have to figure out what it is for you. But I think that finding the reason behind it can help you to work through whatever it is that's causing you to binge.

    It sounds kind of silly, but try to pay attention to what you're feeling when you binge afterward. You might consider keeping a journal or adding notes to your food diary about what you're feeling when you eat. It can help to figure out where the binge tendencies are coming from so that you can work through them.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Yep, this happened to me. For me personally, it was about the attention. I tended to wear my weight as a shield to keep people from noticing me. Losing the weight attracted attention and compliments made me want to put that shield back on.

    That's what it was for me. You'll have to figure out what it is for you. But I think that finding the reason behind it can help you to work through whatever it is that's causing you to binge.

    It sounds kind of silly, but try to pay attention to what you're feeling when you binge afterward. You might consider keeping a journal or adding notes to your food diary about what you're feeling when you eat. It can help to figure out where the binge tendencies are coming from so that you can work through them.

    Not silly at all. Very good idea.
  • sandyskw1967
    sandyskw1967 Posts: 59 Member
    I sometimes am the same. I work in a public field with a lot of clients in customer service. Some clients seem so nice and sincere withe their complements, and that's nice, then you get the creepy complements and oglers and it creeps me out and makes me feel icky(for lack of better word) sometimes I just don, t how to handle to react to those feelings and then I want to also eat. I know my weight has been a shield for years, a lot from past stuff growing up, but I know I need to change things so I don,t mess up my progess.
  • Guitarist4L1fe
    Guitarist4L1fe Posts: 31 Member
    I have failed many times in the past. I know I can make it stick this time because i don't have a goal or time line other then to eat clean and get to a healthy weight. I have messed up so many time because there was a goal date or some sort of finish line. I know now that this is the way it needs to be for life. Yes people compliment me I take it and thank them. But it does not mean i am finished or need to reward myself. This is just how it has to be. Once everyone gets used the the new you and also people that do not know you from your past physical look will treat you for who you are not how much you weigh. Us folks that have been heavy for a long time need to adjust not only physically but much more mentally. We just need to keep our heads in the game and know that this is the only way.. for me at least :) you mileage may vary... good luck and hang in there... you will thank yourself one day for making this happen for yourself.
  • Think more of it as rewarding yourself momentarily, and then go back on budget cals.
  • marlovs78
    marlovs78 Posts: 75 Member
    So if people told you that you looked gross, would it have the opposite effect?
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    It definitely sounds like you are subconsciously rewarding yourself with food. Every time you get a compliment, reward yourself with something you really love that you can't eat. Just make it a thing!