Losing Weight for IVF

Anyone else losing weight before an IVF cycle?

We did our first IVF cycle in August 2014 and are preparing for our second IVF cycle in March 2015. My RE has diagnosed me with PCOS although I'm not insulin resistant. We are doing IVF primarily for MFI, but since our first cycle didn't end with a pregnancy we are now preparing for the next cycle and my task is to lose weight to be my healthiest.


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I'm not currently losing weight for an IVF cycle, but I did about 6 years ago when we were doing IVF. I started with a BMI of 33 and gradually lost 90 lbs over 18 months. Happy to report that we have a healthy 4 year old boy now! Best of luck with your journey to get healthy in preparation, and praying for IVF success :smile:
  • thelawwon
    thelawwon Posts: 14 Member
    Can I join? I just had my first RE consult and have a second one this week, and hopefully will be starting ivf in January or february or so if all my tests come out ok. The RE today literally told me to lose AT LEAST the 10-15 lbs I told him I'd gained back this year (had a crap year), and said more would be better even though that puts me well back into healthy BMI. Anlenz if you want to friend me that would be awesome!
  • lbFighter
    lbFighter Posts: 13 Member
    I'm trying to minimize weight gain during IVF. I also had my first IVF cycle in August and was shocked by how hard I had to work to keep from gaining at an insane rate on the meds. That cycle wasn't successful, so we did another cycle on it's heels in October that was cancelled before transfer. I still ended up being loaded up with a ton of hormones, and have some extra weight to show for it. I'm about to start meds for a December transfer, so I've been getting into the restricted calorie and low intensity exercise routine to try to keep the pounds at bay.
  • anlenz
    anlenz Posts: 26 Member
    It's tough minimizing weight gain during the IVF cycle since you are restricted on exercise. Leading up to the final days before retrieval, I could only slowly walk about a mile or so at a time.