I need to lose 90 pounds

I have never been this heavy before and it is hard. I weigh 230 and everything is so difficult with this extra weight. Even something as simple as turning over in bed. I am tired of just waiting for it to just magically come off, because guess what? It isn't working that way. IT did when I was in my 20's I lost 50 pounds without trying. I have been onAtkins induction for 3 weeks now and gained 3 pounds. Someone suggested I use myFitnessPal for tracking and support. So Here I Am. Any helpful hints or success stories? I live in Lincoln City, Or. Any locals know where some hiking trails are to take my dogs?


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Cathy! Proper nutrition and walking got me started on the way to losing 110 lbs. Add me and I'll support you along the way.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Hi, Cathy. Good luck with your goals! I've done Atkins and had success (gained it all back but that's not Atkin's fault!). I've also done what I call clean eating (nothing is off limits but you eat smaller meals of the healthy variety and count calories). I prefer the latter method. But both will work and there are tons of other methods. The bottom line is you need a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. It doesn't matter what you eat. So MFP will definitely help you with that. Get a good food scale and log everything and you will be successful. If you like exercising, add in cardio (walking with dogs is good) and strength training. I'm a pro at losing weight but now I have to learn how to KEEP IT OFF!!!!

  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    Hi Cathy. I can definitely relate. I myself am 230 and at this weight, it's just not me. I did Atkins about 3 years ago and loved it. In 3 months I lost about 30lbs, had energy, didn't feel deprived. But then my boyfriend and I started living together, hit some life bumps, and put all the weight back on and then some. I made some meager attempts of doing Atkins again, but I wasn't totally committed and it showed...no results.

    This time I'm in 100% again...mentally and physically. I think the most important tips I can offer is (1) track and log your food accurately as possible (2) plan your meals and snacks..."if you fail to plan, plan to fail" (3) try to eat as much whole foods and avoid processed stuff...event Atkins approved.

    I just started 11/6, but I already feel so much better. I've added 30 minutes of exercise a day...nothing crazy, just the treadmill or stationary bike at a moderate pace. This is a big deal for me given my desk job and sedentary lifestyle. The weight loss is minor, I'm only down a couple pounds...but I have increased energy and just internally feel good. That feeling alone is enough motivation to keep me going.

    I think if you use MFP to track your food and add in some exercise you'll begin to feel good and see those pounds start to slip away. Feel free to friend me if you need a buddy throughout this process.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Anyone can add me as a friend if they wish. The secret to losing weight is to take in less calories than you burn. If you are at a deficit you will lose (baring medical issues). Having said that the hardest part is making sure you are accurately counting your calorie intake. I highly recommend getting a food scale and weighing every single thing you eat (for liquids use measuring cups).