Glasgow South based looking for likeminded people to help and support each other on our journey.

Good morning all!

My name is Julia. I'm 43 and have struggled with my weight since my early teens. Every so often I get prepared and start on the exercise and weight loss journey, and for this year at least, have failed spectacularly.
I've previously done well, in my opinion, losing weight but have only done that through diet and not combined with exercise.
In truth, it's getting me down. I know I'm at the stage that it is affecting my health, both physical and mental and I need to draw the line somewhere. I've had enough being the fat friend, the one that isn't in the "exercise" circle, and the one that feels like she is a project. In my head I'm fed up hearing myself being annoyed with myself, so I think that I can't go to anyone in my circle of friends/family because they'll have heard it too many times before too!
Having recently rejoined Glasgow Club I'm hoping that someone that feels like myself would like to join me in attending some classes. Alternatively if you want to offer support, tips etc I'd be happy for anyone to add me.