The Year of Murphy's Law

Ugh, it's been a hell of a year here. We have seen almost everything:
Rescuing goats, and sadly losing two.
Hubby losing his job...twice.
Hubby finding a new a $13/hour pay cut.
TWO emergency surgeries on pets.
Losing animals to old age/illness.
The summer garden was doomed due to ONE seed packet being incorrect and unleashing a scourge of gourds onto my property (I swear I will need napalm to kill these stinking things).
Emergency bills are causing us to have our tuck repossessed (our choice-more important things to pay for right now).
Fall garden had TWO ROWS tilled and the tractor broke.
Found out my "pregnant goats" weren't.
Found out my breeding male rabbit is no baby bunnies....ALL YEAR.

I think I have started, and subsequently stopped about 50 workout programs. Did the 21 day fix (simply to "reset" my eating habits). made it 14 days before I ran out of time to prep a bunch of food. Was on week three of p90x, when a knot appeared on my dog's neck. 48 hours later, we received a grim diagnosis on the mass that had tripled in size and I stopped doing much of anything for two weeks while she recovered from surgery besides play doggie-nurse. We found out that despite all appearances to the contrary-it was a freak cellulitus with a granulation tumor (read: benign) So I unclenched...just in time for a phone call begging me to take in a starving, abused goat.

So the good news is...none of these freak incidents has killed me yet (if we weren't so broke I think I'd have taken up drinking by now, but I digress...). The bad news's getting cold and none of my pants fit. (I will admit to eating 18 cupcakes in two days...I also admit that was ALL I ate for two not proud.)

Given my luck with things recently, I'm not starting any workout plan because I know at this point SOMETHING will break or get sick and I will fall off the wagon again...and again...and again.That being said, I am cleaning up my eating (no more hot-dog-bun-and-syrup-based-dinners!) Today, I have had kefir, winter spice seasoned nuts (homemade, with stevia), and an apple. I already feel less likely to go postal. It's kind of nice.

My goal is by January 1,2015...I will have my shi-t-ake mushrooms together and can start insanity again (my favorite program...EVAH.)

I'd like to meet some new folks on here so we can chit chat a bit and maybe get started working towards a better, brighter 2015 (and welcome it in by shooting the finger at 2014!)


  • madeleineld
    madeleineld Posts: 75 Member
    Oy! I'm so sorry for all that's happened. The next time I see a gourd I will spitefully stomp on it in your honor.

    Sounds like your attitude is good, though. Go easy on yourself--the one surefire way for me to quit a healthy eating plan for good is to get upset about one slip up and then give up in shame. Feel free to add if you want, I've never made it through all of Insanity but I do love gazing into that dude's eyes...I swear he can see me working out through the screen.