almost gave up, but then smartened up

I was sick for 3 days and lost almost 2 pounds. I decided this was a great time to smarten up and get back on track, so I exercised yesterday and kept track of everything and was under my calorie goal. stepped on the wii like I do every morning and found I went from 115.3 kg to 115.4 kg. that's right. I went up 0.1. I got so upset. I wanted to give up because I did everything right and actually gained. then I finally smartened up and realized its only 0.1. if I didn't do what I did yesterday I probably would have gained back the full 2 pounds I lost from being sick. I almost gave up over something so silly.


  • kiwi2006
    kiwi2006 Posts: 15
    Don't give up. My weight goes up and down like a yoyo during the week so I only count my Monday afternoon weigh in! :)