Complete Noob - CONFUSED!

Just wondering if someone could give me a hand with understanding how all this works... Pretty much what I'm look for is for someone to explain this to me as if I'm a 5 year old - because the more I read the more I'm getting confused at the moment lol...

MFP is saying I should have 1700 calories a day - I only started tracking yesterday, and yesterday I 'ate' 1424 calories, which included 2 Dare Iced Coffees (444 cals each)... This was an average day for me (other than the iced coffee) - and I'm confused about whether I am supposed to make myself eat more, or be happy with the lower calories...
(I used to have an addiction to the Iced Coffee, have mostly given it up but I had a bad day yesterday - so if I remove those 888 calories, I'm guessing that isn't enough? I do drink instant coffee with milk on days I don't have IC - and I have no idea if I'm calculating that right but MFP is saying each cup is 100 cals, and generally its about 5 cups a day if that helps at all)

I'm also using a FitBit, and I don't understand how that adds up with what MFP is saying :/
Again, only started using the FitBit yesterday and I'm not an overly active person, but yesterday the FB is saying I burnt 2318 calories - MFP deducted 52cals for 'exercise'... How is that calculated?

Not sure if you need to know more details - but just in case you do, I weigh 85 kilos, and BMI is 30...
I don't eat much, generally because I'm rarely hungry... The weight was put on when I had a huge IC addiction (4+ bottles a day)... I don't eat overly healthy, but I don't eat complete junk either... Breakfast never happens, lunch is occasional - dinner is the only guaranteed meal...

Thanks in advance for any help - it'll be much appreciated!!
