Looking more cut after A 2 DAY BINGE.

Okay, so last week on halloween my friends had throw a party. It was filled with all kind of junk food all kindzzzzzz. At first i was like "im going to control myself" about like 10 minutes later im stuffing down cookies, candy and everything. Okay, so the next day i promise i would spend the day with my little brother. We had went out for some pizza. I ate half of a large pizza. Now that was not bad because i always eat large portions of food on my cheatmeals. The bad part was when i had went to my bank afterwards and that was giving away leftover cookies and candy. So i ended up going at it agin. But what's strange is that 6 days later i look in the mirror and it looks like i lost weight and my muscles appear more cut. I have cheat meals every week and before halloween i ate a net calorie of 1200 a day. Now ive been eating any where from 1400-1700 a day and it looks like im losing more fat from around my stomach just in these past 6 days. That's crazy! lol. Anybody else had a similar experience?